    KAREN pECK AND nEW rIVER Hold Me While I Cry lyrics

    Lyrics to Hold Me While I Cry by Karen Peck and New River

    0  Views: 1174 Answers: 1 Posted: 12 years ago

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    It's been one of those days
    If anything could go wrong it went wrong
    I know I'm feeling sorry for me
    There's a lot of self-pity going on
    Tomorrow I will be okay
    The dawn will bring a brand new day
    I'm sure by then I'll be fine
    Lord today I really need a friend
    I know that you would understand
    Would you hold me while I cry

    I take a lot of your time
    When I should be strong
    I should be standing by now when it's you I'm leaning on
    You've always kept me safe from harm, like a child in your arms
    You've cradled me through hardships faced in life
    Lord it's just one of those days I've been fobbed in every way
    Will you hold me while I cry?

    I try to be strong but if anyone can fall apart, I fall apart
    I run back to you again and you heal my broken heart
    You have truly been a friend, reaching out to lend a hand
    Lord when you could have passed me by
    I'm asking for your strength today
    Lift my spirit Lord I pray
    Will you just hold me while I cry

    I take a lot of your time when I should be strong
    I should be standing by now when it's you I'm leaning on
    You've always kept me safe from harm like a child in your arms
    You've cradled me through hardships faced in life
    Lord it's just one of those days
    I've been fobbed in every way
    Will you hold me while I cry

    You've always kept me safe from harm
    Like a child in your arms
    You've cradled me though hardships faced in life
    Lord it's just one of those days
    I've been fobbed in every way
    Would you hold me while I cry?

    Ooooh, oooh, oooh.

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