    my pellet stove will not feed pellet

    i test the vac and it work now i thank the motor is bad how can i fix it

    0  Views: 847 Answers: 3 Posted: 12 years ago

    3 Answers

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    Q: My pellet stove is not feeding, let us recommend.
    A: A pellet stove will stop feeding for several reasons:
    1. Verify the stove is trying to feed, some stoves have an indicator light and others you will have to listen for the sound of the motor. If there are pellets in the hopper and no pellets drop down into the burn pot, Take a mirror and flashlight and loo up the feed shoot. This can be accomplished by placing the mirror on the burn grate and shining the flash light into the mirror. If there are pellets or sawdust at the upper end of the auger, you can use a screwdriver to knock the pellets or sawdust loose. Continue this process until all obstructions are free.
    2. Stove is out of pellets or may have pellets in the hopper, but pellets may have bridged and the feed mechanism ran out of pellets. Unplug the stove and use you hand or a broomstick to move the pellets around inside the hopper to break up the bridge and your stove will begin feeding after the feed mechanism is primed.
    3. Jammed feed mechanism, foreign material may have found its way into your hopper and jammed the mechanism.
    4. In order to repair this you will need a copy of your owner's manual to determine how the feed mechanism is accessed and cleared out.5. If the stove is not trying to feed it may be because the stove is shutting the feed down as part of a safety feature: unit overheated or plugged with ash. If the stove and chimney have not been cleaned it may be time to have that done. Using low grade or improperly stored pellets will accelerate the need for a stove cleaning.6. If none of the above repairs get your stove feeding again the motor that drives the feed mechanism may have failed.

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    Stove is out of pellets or may have pellets in the hopper, but pellets may have bridged and the feed mechanism ran out of pellets. Unplug the stove and use you hand or a broomstick to move the pellets around inside the hopper to break up the bridge and your stove will begin feeding after the feed mechanism is primed.
    3. Jammed feed mechanism, foreign material may have found its way into your hopper and jammed the mechanism.

    In order to repair this you will need a copy of your owner's manual to determine how the feed mechanism is accessed and cleared out.5. If the stove is not trying to feed it may be because the stove is shutting the feed down as part of a safety feature: unit overheated or plugged with ash. If the stove and chimney have not been cleaned it may be time to have that done. Using low grade or improperly stored pellets will accelerate the need for a stove cleaning.6. If none of the above repairs get your stove feeding again the motor that drives the feed mechanism may have failed.

    whirlston pellet mill machine

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