    Manual walloven 236

    0  Views: 1457 Answers: 2 Posted: 12 years ago
    Tags: walloven 236

    2 Answers

    If it's a Westinghouse oven, I'm guessing it's pretty old because I was in the major appliance distribution business for many years and I think Westinghouse quit making built in appliances more than 20 years ago. Having said that, you can probably still buy the element, but it may be slightly different shaped than your original. There is a local company called Greer Appliance parts which was bought out by a national chain of parts distributors, and you can probably access a parts catalogue online. Marcone parts from Kansas City is another. If you will measure the total width (side to side) and depth (front to back) of the element, and measure the distance from one connector in the back of the oven to the other, it should be pretty easy and inexpensive to get an element. I'm guessing your lower, or bake element, is probably the bad one, because it gets food spilled on it much more than the broil (upper) element.  If you have a volt/ohm meter, you can test your element to make sure that your element is for sure bad, instead of the bake/broil selector switch or possibly a burned wire between the switch and the element. But you are probably correct in assuming that the element is bad. You can check the CONTINUITY of the element when it is removed with an ohm meter, it should read around zero when you hook the two terminals of the meter to the two terminals of the element (does not make any difference which side is which for ohm reading) You probably have an appliance parts store in your local town if you live in a city of any size, or could get one from an appliance repair company who might have one on the shelf. But I would first recommend that you check the price online so you won't be ripped off. Greer parts sells both retail and wholesale, so you can buy from them, but you would have to pay freight. A generic brand of element will probably be just as good as getting one from Frigidaire parts (which owns the westinghouse brand) and will probably cost far less. Hope this helps.  Mac

    Is this a 23 1/2 inch wide wall oven you are referring to?  If so what is your question?


    I want a manual for a westinghouse wall oven Model 236, so I can replace the eliment

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