    is laughter part of communication

    +1  Views: 751 Answers: 4 Posted: 12 years ago

    4 Answers

    Laughter is absolutely wonderful.  It truly is an important part of conversation.  I had a great day today because it was filled with laughter and life.  Every day should be like that. 

    I had a dog that could laugh once upon a time .... that was so fantastic.  Dog is God spelled backwards!

    The dog that could laugh.  He made me laugh on purpose.  I had a dog with a sense of humor.   His name was Echo.  He was a beautiful dog.  I will always love that dog.

    Laughter is a very important part of communication.  It brings the spirit of life and love to the very being of the spirit of a human being.  It is important because it connects us to the Universe of man and in my case... beast.

    Even a dictator can laugh once in a while...


    Laughter can break the tension of an otherwise serious moment and destroy barriers between peoples. Laughter can heal a broken heart by exposing true intentions when a false belief obstructing a greater truth is exposed. Laughter ripples through the mind of happy children playing sense and non-sence with their imagined friends and illuminates in their awareness with their smile. Laughter is a new pair of shoes replacing old, tired tight fitting shoes with comfortable room to spare.  Laughter makes a mockery of seriousness by simply repeating a terrible possibility in an undermining tone…and laughter blesses you with patience to wait for just the right moment to shatter the ice of a bone chilling moment.     

    Laughter is a wonderful thing, it's good for your health, it takes the strain out of some things in life. Most important always try to laugh at yourself.

    Laughter is the best medicine!!:)...but keep taking your prescribed meds!!! ;) xx

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