    how do you change the spark plugs on a Toyota seane l e van 3.3

    what all in involved in changing the spark plugs in a Toyota Sienna  L E   V6 3.3

    0  Views: 999 Answers: 1 Posted: 12 years ago
    Tags: tune up

    1 Answer

    The plugs & coils on the front half are under the decorative cover.

    Remove with an allan wrench. Take off the coil & disconnect the wire connections

    (Note: these coils are fro the front and rear plugs, that way you do not have rear coils to remove,).

    Pull out the plug wire cap, use the cap not the wire, its easy on the front.....the back half gets fun.

    Use an extension on your plug removal socket and take out the plug.

    Replace the plug and put it all back, repeat for the front three.

    The back three are located behind the intake manifold, gonna have to do a lot of feeling and reaching around the intake. Remember, pull on the cap not the wire, if you pull the wire out.........gonna have to get new ones.

    The left most rear plug is the hardest  to reach, lots of stuff in the way.

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