    Ok maybe allowed but...

    My brill mums 90th today! I'm not well enuf to be there to celebrate in person! So Abs no tu to. Me please but I'd love it if any of you would raise a glass to her?!! She is one amazing lady! Thanks! Pls note I really don't want points! Just a celebration of my brill ma! Thanks xx

    +6  Views: 1960 Answers: 10 Posted: 12 years ago

    All the best to you both, Mills! xxx
    (It's allowed, I remember we said happy birthdays to Tommy's wife.)

    10 Answers


    Heres to you mum Millie,hope she has a wonderfyl day,


    Thanks she did...I even got to see her a mega bonus and I got dressed up... I wasn't going to sit in my pjs feeling glum all day! Thanks everyone means a lot to me you are all troupers!! XxxVery much appreciated! Ie VMA!!xxx

    I'm keeping you in my thoughts and happy birthday to your mum, what a milestone!


    God Bless Millies Mom, Happy Birthday, and many more to come.

    ""   ""_""

    Hug your mom for me and do so again tomorrow. Give her something she likes to eat and say it's from me......


    Ahh..Thanks Julie!:-)

    Wow, many many happy returns of the day to you,

    Millies Mum! Have a wonderful've raised a 

    lovely daughter. :)



    Ah thanks Dar! ...too tough act to follow!:) xx

    "OH Just wondering MILLIE .Does she still go out "Dating Do you think she would be interested In a "Fancy man !!  Politely saying "TOY-BOY !! .WHAT a great age to be If you see her soon give her a "Big Hug for me :-))


    Thanks Dowse..Great offer..but I hate to tell you this..umm..she kinda likes younger men!;-))..She still has her admirers!;-)..Gabriel ,her lovely post man..(He`s about 30 max)!...Even when he was moved to a different route..he`d still pop by to see her)!..My sister was dead envious...he is rather anyone`s standards!:-)..And there`s more!..All toy boys!..(lol..well they`d have to be really wouldn`t they)!;-)LOL!

    "What are you saying "MILLIE I am over the hill ? "Listen Girl I climb mountains TO get "The "Birds "OH not meaning one`s that fly !That`s the slang word for "Girls in Scotland wearing "SKIRTS its the men who wear the "KILTS "OH "Bonny pins ( legs ) as well Tell her she missed out !! I still fancy her !

    Oh sweet Dowse!..I was just trying to break it to you gently!;-)..I`ll have to tell her that she has yet ano admirer!:-)...(But you`ll still have to join the end of a very long queue I`m afraid!:-)) XXx

    MILLIE . I can wait ! I am good at waiting at "Queue`s "Shopping with my "Wife" ( groan )

    LOL Dowse..Mrs.D certainly has you well trained:-)!..Shopping and queues..the perfect husband I`d say!;-)xx

    1922 was a good year.


    Lol Rob,.. Can u expand on that;?... It must be hearsay for you;) must have been a good ?40 plus years before ur time! But thanks lol...don't we all just love him he talks perfect sense and is so profound!! :) xxx

    millie111…From the time I was a child I have lived in two worlds, the temporal and the eternal. I remain aware of both and see this world through ancient and youthful eyes. 1920 was a good year for me as I was killing myself with alcohol, addiction and VD. It was a good year for me to learn as much as I did in my own experience and be born again as an infant in Pennsylvania…grow up in a family of modest means, attend college in an attempt to dodge the draft of WW2 and failing that die in my first encounter with Germany only to be born again in 1945. So I am a person who understands that experience in all previous lifetimes are carried forward and added to lifetime after lifetime. I will not deny my past as so many others do so they might have a child like view of things. I love life and all the experiences that I have chosen for myself as my personal treasury. Experience is a treasury that you can share with others and still have as your own, making money is of very little interest.

    Interesting Rob... So do you actually believe that you've lived life previously? I'd love to discuss this with you some more ! My Email is still down but am working on it to be back ASAP ... Maybe miss C can give it out to you.. Ie if you want to chat re it se more ! Thanks all the best Millie x

    90  Not out! as we say in cricket. What a score. Best wishes to your Mum Millie & many happy returns.



















     Way cool Millie best wishes to you and your MOM on such a wonderful day !!




    way cool Millie


    Did you have a pic here, Daren?

    Yes I guess it did not paste..oh well!!

    No, you can't c & p have to save and upload, sweetie. :)

    No worries re picture..Thanks Daren!..(Means a lot)!:-)xx

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