3 Answers
I found some information for you regarding relationships with an Aspergers sufferer, it may help you understand a little of why he is like this in your relationship.>>>Romantic Relationships are the hardest of all relationships to maintain and unlike family relationships which have an on again and off again basis most of the time. Romantic Relationships require the most social upkeep of all relationships that are possible and it is because of this that leads them to have no interest in them because unlike the average person, relationships and social interactions are the most difficult and stressful things they have to deal with because of the mental processing power required to deal with.
12 years ago. Rating: 6 | |
This can be very complex, Aspergers has now (here anyway) in recent years been recognised as a condition in the high end of the Autistic spectrum, hence may well be something related to the indifference you may think he has, it may not be the case. Perhaps just the condition, and if you really care and are willing to accept this, there is nothing to stop the relationship from being as truly wonderful as anyone else's, understanding, acceptance and patience is key, as is with all relationships, only you can decide if it's all worth it
12 years ago. Rating: 5 | |