    how to stop cold calls

    0  Views: 423 Answers: 5 Posted: 11 years ago

    5 Answers

    If you're in the UK, try this >

    I'll respond the same way that I did when you asked this question before.  Do you mean at home?  At your place of business?  In person?  On the telephone (telemarketers)?  In which part of the world do you live? 

    Answer them by turning the tables and sell them something.


    That doesn't work, if it's a telemarketer. I was a supervisor at a call center for a while. There is a way around everything, believe me.
    The people I have dealt with are all scammers. Bet you didn't know where inmates out of prison work. Good guess. They scam you on the telephone. These include so called debt collectors. Recently one tried to scam us after the death of a parent. I went as far to find out who the person was, and where they lived. Paid a investigator to find them and take pictures of them walking into their work. I sent them a pizza delivery. After they enjoyed the pizza, a few days later I sent them a letter with pictures . Told them to quit. You know what they did. Oh, they had criminal background of sexual assault of a child, pornography of minors, burglary over 20,000. So beware , you don't know these people. Don't believe a word they say. Everyone and a great while, I will be nice and say no and hang up. The no call list is there for a reason, if they choose to ignore it, I will have the last laugh.
    Take up their time. Tell them to repeat what they said. Their time with you is money lost. I enjoy making their lives miserable . The Texas sheriffs association is an example. They are a scam. They call and I take up their time. Next time they call , tell them to hold on for a minute, and just set the phone down for a while. Once they learn they wont get anything out of you , it probably will stop. They hate to wait for you . Get a small air horn , blow in receiver.

    The person calling you, is simply working to eat and pay rent. Does it seem okay to you, to cause permanent damage to someone's hearing because they are willing to work at a horrible job, rather than ask for public assistance. You have obviously never had the need to work at a call center since you say "I enjoy making their lives miserable". Their job is miserable have no idea! Just hang up if they bother you so much, unless you have a need to be as mean as possible, in every life situation!

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