    Do you think the world will end on december 21 2012?

    I've heared alot about the doomsday prediction that the mayan calender is supposed to end on dec 21 2012, obviously i dont want this to happen im sure no one does but i wonder what are the chances of this actually happening?

    +3  Views: 1527 Answers: 12 Posted: 12 years ago

    If it does, can you avoid it?

    12 Answers

    Not a Chance


    i hope not though what makes you so sure?
    country bumpkin

    This is what the Bible says: Mark 13:32 "No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.
    country bumpkin

    I know this can be scarey stuff, but please don't be afraid. Many men have tried to predict the end of the world and none of the predictions have come true.

    Survey says "NO" start Christmas Shopping!


    Huh...I think I`ll postpone my Christmas shopping until Dec 22nd..just to be on the safe side!;-0

    No need to worry millie, get on with your Christmas shopping, I have started mine, also started writing some of my Christmas cards, and got stamps.If the end is near, no one will gain.

    Oh shoot, I forgt about Christmas cards!

    Post this question again on December 22, 2012.

    What the miyan really meant that the world will be different in more storms which has happened already in the USA and our lives will change so think about it crops arnt growing in the UK we have nothing but rain floods and this is what they really meant the world will change in the way it was

    no not just yet

    It will be the end for many, just be ready.


    Cut the baloney, HM.
    You believe that stuff but DON"T be pushing it on others!!!!

    Life ends for everyone, then you are reincarnated. No fears no worries. I took out the preachy bit.


    Well if it was, advertising is not allowed unless you have permission from the admin. I do not believe that was an ad they would agree to.

    Headless Man

    I don't believe it will end on the 21st for everyone but it will for some, thats why I say just be ready it could be you.....

    What a sneaky way of trying to give validity to your circus act of seeing the future. That's about as vague as the biblical prophecies. "Well if you look at it this way, it could be true or if you turn it over and stand on your head then read it, then it appears even truer!" The 21 of Dec will bring change, but not the change you are expecting Randy and yes, some will die but not the ones you think will die. You're in for a shocker :)

    That's ridiculous...we should walk around, being prepared, every moment of our life because "no one knows"?

    You answered a question about Dec 21 and you want us to believe you were not speaking about the rapture that you yourself have said right here on the forum "is coming soon so be ready"? As hard as you try Randy, you are not capable of pulling the wool over people's eyes.
    millie111 took out the preachy bit Miss.C...Lord only knows...oh and you of course!...What it was like before you did!!LMAO!;)


    What the hell kind of dopey answer is this?


    not going to happen. That was just some Mayans putting together a calender many years ago. The world isn't  going to end untill our Lord, God, decides it's going to end.

    i really doubt it. iIfr that were the case don't you think the government would have exended information on the subject besides President Obama problem with a balanced  would not have him shaking in his boots and turning greyer byh the minute.


    Jill, do you really think our government would tell us anything ? !

    Yes, what mycatsmom said. The government doesn't want us to know ANYTHING. There are a ton of items on the web warning us about all kinds of sneaky stuff governments and "Special Interest Groups" (who prefer to remain nameless) are doing behind our backs. It's scary

    Dit zal niet gebeuren. De bijbel zegt duidelijk dat dag en uur niemand weet zelfs de zoon Jezus niet, alleen Jehovah God. De tekst in de bijbel kun je zelf opzoeken en ter bevestiging lezen in het boek Markus hoofdstuk 13 vers 32. Hoopvol kunnen we door geloof op die dag wachten en intussen de wil van God doen door in Jezus voetstappen te treden en navolgers van hem te worden. Maar we kunnen gelukkig zijn zoals Jehovah's volk, omdat dan al het slechte, de goddeloze mensenmaatschappij, van de aarde zal weggevaagd worden. Dit is namelijk de grote dag van Gods toorn, de enige ware god die tenminste alles rechtvaardig beoordeelt, Jehovah. Door zijn wil te doen kunnen we zijn goedkeuring krijgen en in een nieuwe wereld leven onder volmaakte eenheid. Jehovah is Almachtig, dit betekent dat Hij alles kan, waar mensen nog niet eens in gedachten kunnen opkomen. Sterkte en houdt moed, de grote dag zal zijn eigen voortekenen laten zien en daarna zal het Koninkrijk op aarde worden opgericht door onze Hemelse Vader en zijn zoon Jezus. Een mens is daar niet toe in staat, niet nu en ook niet later. Wordt niet mat van vrees maar stel vragen in gebed aan God, en de ware god zal je helpen. Lieve groetjes en vertrouw niet teveel op mensen! 


    Gotta go with the NO.

    Yes for somebody

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