    Anyone know how to Jailbreak a Cell Phone or an Apple TV?

    I'm just so curious about what smart people can do with technology nowadays and I want to understand it all significantly more. And I honestly find this method of learning to be the best method for me when it comes to learning about something. Now I'm thinking that I doubt this kind of learning would ever be given away for free which I more than understand. Due to this, I am looking for people or websites to pay to learn such fascinating information regarding technology. Thanks for any and all help and support.

    0  Views: 552 Answers: 2 Posted: 11 years ago

    2 Answers

    You give it  a get out of jail free card   ;-)


    but I can't due to my monopoly game being stolen back in my college days and me never wanting to replace one of my favorite gifts ever.
    Let me know if u have an

    mikey, I have an original
    monop game from the 50s in good condition. How much will you give me for it ?

    i hope this info helps you. go to you tube broadcast yourself and ask your question. depending whitch cellphone you ask, you will get the info you want. but remember, try not to make mistakes in your programming. it WILL screwup your phone.. another way is to go to a cell phone booth in the mall or flea market and they can help you find what you are looking for. the fee is not that bad. just make sure you go to a legitamate site ok? later!


    Thank you so much for you suggestions, I will try each but I have one question, should I just trust Google ratings to make sure the site is legitimate since I have already been way too shocked at the amount of times I have been lied to, deceived, and some how screwed out of money which isn't suppose to happen but have had multiple problems with Ebay and a few with Amazon and Craigslist which is why i'm sadly not going that way which I wish I could still think would be the quick and easy way to learn such. Which is why I'm seeking alternatives. Thanks again for your help, much appreciated.

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