    how do I check ALL my photos are blocked from a certain person viewing them? facebook really needs to understand that unfortunately people are forced to add some people they don't want to as friends and facebook should make it easier to limit even profile pictures and wall content from these people site.

    i want to block my mum from seeing ANY photos of me

    0  Views: 1164 Answers: 1 Posted: 12 years ago
    Tags: photos privacy

    1 Answer

    Mum knows best lol

    Hover over "Settings" in the bar at the top of the Facebook page until a menu pops out with Account Settings, Privacy Settings and Application Settings on it. Then click Privacy Settings. Now a page will come up with a few other options on it, click "Profile". This page will have a bunch of drop-down menus corresponding to things on your profile. The fifth one down should be "Photos Tagged of Me". When you click the drop-down menu there's no option to not let others see them but click "Custom" and a box will pop up. Just click the bubble next to "Only Me" and then make sure that the drop-down menu under Networks is set to None of My Networks, then click OK and save changes.

    After that there will be no link on your profile for people to see photos tagged of you, but I believe that if they click an album with a photo tagged of you on someone else's profile they can still see it.

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