    reinforcements, contact, honesty, and fair expectations are?

    what are ways of maintaining your relationship?

    0  Views: 1127 Answers: 1 Posted: 12 years ago

    1 Answer

    Simple , the stuff you said there...Read the bible (new testiment) and understand Jesus, and his LOVE.

    In short though (lazy bum)    Treat the person like you would treat yourself. that means your in a good mood self.

    Here is another hint and something that men hate ; pleeese , when an argument from the past was/is settled, dont bring it back up again when in a foul mood cause he may have peeved you off one night. Why not just say - I'm upset with you , then explain nicely - why - and if he's dumb enough not to understand what you mean, or WANTs an example of how he repeatedly behaves like an arsehole, then perhaps open the vault as proof, not a weapon, just as proof, even laugh about it. many people deny their bad behavior , and use excuses, but know that no one is perfect anyway.

    Sooooooooo, complete honesty, and dont nit-pick to much, but rather comprimise.

    You know the show - Everybody Loves Raymond - well , dont be that wife , this character was ectreme with picking arguments out of thin air.

    Another lessen, and its in the lords prayer -   ASK GOD FOR FORGIVNESS OF YOUR OWN TRESSPASSES , AS- YOU FORGIVE THOSE WHO TRESPASS AGAINST YOU....THIS MEANS FORGIVE! but also learn from it , both parties should...

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