    how do i take off dashboard on kia sportage 2001

    0  Views: 688 Answers: 1 Posted: 11 years ago

    1 Answer

    This is fairly simple. First, you must take off the steering column cover. This is in two parts, upper and lower, and attached together by three screws in the bottom (in the holes). After removing the screws you can pull the two halves apart and remove them (tilt the column for easier removal) this will make removing the dash much easier. then there are two screws on the underside of the dash by the indicators and speedometer. This is where it can become a little tricky. You simply pull on the dash by the radio to release the "clips" holding it in place, these won't break they are pressure clips. After releasing these clips all around the dash (except just to the left of the steering column) reach behind the dash and there are clips holding in the controls section of the dash. Remove this section and disconnect the wiring, put to side. You should also be able to remove the cup holder while you are there. If you have cruise control you need to disconnect the wiring to the On/Off switch too. Next, you have to take off the cover to your knee airbag to reach the screw holding in the bottom of the dash to the left of the steering column. Now it's smooth sailing. Disconnect the wires for the windshield wipers and pull the dash out (may need some maneuvering). This is also how you get to your radio.


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