    am i dead?

    0  Views: 710 Answers: 7 Posted: 12 years ago

    7 Answers

    Obviously not yet.

    What? You not getting enough attention? Well, you've gotten 4 replies so far so, you're among the living....

    I'll be jammed if I know.   Check it out at your local newspaper, they usually have a deadline.



    YES. According to your photo "DEAD EYED DICK " 

    There are some folk who consider themselves to be dead. My OL has declared herself dead from the waste down. There are the “Grateful Dead” a music group dedicated to getting their audience out of their seats and dance in the isles. There are several books of the dead and books written by dead people who talk writers through their script…..are you one? And then there is Halloween approaching...this time of year many seem to be of the opinion that they should celebrate funk and horror as an antidote to their boring life or otherwise express weirdness. Charcoal smeared under the eyes and ragged clothes seems to be a popular guise for the party. Have fun, that’s what it’s all about.   

    If you are dead you can only have died in the last few hours as rigor mortis would have set in and made it impossible for you to type. If you have been dead foe about 48hours you will be smelling bad as the bacteria from your gut will be producing putrescine and cadaverine. You will also be turning green and inflating as gases are produced by the bacteria. These gases will blow you up like a balloon and eventually burst you apart. If you find maggots growing in your body  it is likely you are indeed dead. Have you noticed any of these symptoms?

    Well your hands are working so you must be dead from the neck up.

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