    how do I remove an app completely from my iphone ?

    I have been stupid !!! I have added too many apps on my iphone ;-)

    0  Views: 1013 Answers: 1 Posted: 12 years ago
    Tags: apps

    1 Answer

    To uninstall an application purchased or otherwise installed from the iPhone AppStore, simply do the following:

    1) hold your finger on either the icon for the application you wish to uninstall or any other icon until the icons on your home screen begin to shake or wiggle (the same action you take to move or re-arrange home screen icons)
    2) click the "x" in the upper left hand corner of the icon for the application you wish to remove
    3) delete the application from your iTunes applications tab

    If you want to re-install the application at a later time, simply visit the AppStore and select the application again.
    All the best!

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