    what is a civilization

    0  Views: 787 Answers: 2 Posted: 12 years ago
    Tags: civilization

    2 Answers

    What is a Civilization?
    Without going through the variety of concepts and terminologies on the subject,
    civilization simply means: the comprehensive development of the human potential in
    all its dimensions: physical, intellectual, spiritual, moral and psychological. To achieve
    this potential, civilizations strive to develop, utilize, and conserve the natural
    resources, the benefits of which should fairly reach the whole society, and bring about
    positive effects on the whole world.

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    Civilisation to me is living with friends and families. Having animals and crops - a roof over your head, peace and kindness to your fellow man. The way the world is at the moment difficult to define civilization. Scientific changes, materially, financially and spiritually. All different views but we all shape our views of the world. No limit to the respect for others or nature! or in fact money. Limit to money - system which does not deprive. Happiness is there - keep your eyes open and (trust - a tall order).  Oh yes I can hear you saying "what in the world is she talking about". Good answer Romos.  

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