    How do you “fact check” politicians, proponents, opponents, commentators & sensationalists?

    It is so interesting to see how beliefs and denials color our viewpoints to produce two different answers. When I was working on the double-blnd test, the process for the proof of truth shows how different views originate and how to avoid such errors. Presently, “fact checking” of what a candidate says is the best way to see who is untrue. But there is also the source of information. Those second sources bend the facts, a third source will bent the facts some more and by the time the view is passed through five or six biasing reviewers we are all ready to hang the original person or burn them as a devil. Sensationalist inspire mob action and distort the ordinary into catastrophe. Sensationalists inspire terrorism and war.

    +3  Views: 670 Answers: 3 Posted: 12 years ago



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    I found one...... 

    3 Answers

    I've asked the same question when the "fact checkers" appear, after the debates.  

    Ah, but who is checking the checkers?        lol

    Here is an interesting site and hopefully fact based web-site.



    Excellent Fact check site! There must be others also to compare sites and their sources. I like facts and when public figures sensationalize their subjects with false and misleading commentary they are proclaiming themselves as unworthy to serve the public interest in my view.

    Exactly. I believe this site is lemon in the pot of political grease.

    Musings…”Political grease”…why does Lye come to mind…of course, grease and lye make soap…”to wash away all doubts and fears” (a biblical reference)…so then there is the Bath Party…..of course, Iraq and Syria have the BA’ATH political party but a bath party would be more of a crowd pleaser here in the US. Grease and lye make soap…but too much lye makes a brittle, caustic soap that burns your skin. That would explain my disparaging remarks toward the Republican and T-Party. The soap is caustic…not enough grease in the mix. I can either add grease or remove lye. What to do.

    Ha! That's excellent. What to do?
    A very sensitive mixture indeed.
    Too much grease and we may never make it back out of the tub.
    What a party!

    Propoganda is alive and well in American politics.  The only way to fact check something is go to the original source (text, tape, video, etc.) and see what actually transpired. Trusting a third party is unwise, because they will manipulate factual information for their own benefit. 


    By not accepting propaganda we are not led by fiction and lies. It was fiction, lies. half-truths, and false beliefs that led to and fueled all of the wars ever fought. This is the information age and Its is time to stand strong with what is true and let the illusions of political magic-huffers blow themselves away with their tales of woe. They don’t deserve a standing in public.

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