    list who sees my profile on facebook

    0  Views: 564 Answers: 2 Posted: 11 years ago

    2 Answers

    Hi, we're not Facebook.

    You'll have to find out there.

        First of all, anyone who posts anything but the local news or weather on ANY place, is nuts.  Anyone who has enough MONEY can and does get access.  The owner of ANY site can see ANYTHING you give out.  Think about this - THEY pay $$$$$ for the site, and they do not give you a place to roost on that site for FREE.  While you may not pay cash $$$$$, you ARE giving them something they can SELL for $$$ to those who wish to purchase your informatin.  If you say that you are having a birthday party for your 4 yr. old Billy.  That is info that someone selling kids life insurance, or kids clothing, or educational stuff, or toys, etc. will buy.

       If you say you have recently remodeled your bathroom, that info is what anyone selling furniture, appliances, paint, flooring, etc. will buy - if you have redone your bath, they will try to get you to redo more rooms in your home. 

       Be VERY careful of any info you give about your kids or grandkids - no photos, ages, gender, grades, schools, towns, - anything that will identify them to a stranger. Kidnapping is easy with the vast amount of information and photos people place on these "social" networks.  As a mother whose 3 kids were kidnapped, I know the unspeakable terror you experience when kids are kidnapped!!!  

        If you even say that you are going on vacation - anyone who wants that info can buy it - and will know that your house will be unattended for that period of time - Have you any idea what you feel when you come home and ALL your furniture, clothing & appliances are stolen - even your kitchen cabinets are emptied out, and all the gifts under the Christmas tree are gone?  Well, I do, and I can tell you this - there are NO words that can explain it!!!   

         BEWARE!! Do not telll anything that you would not tell to a killer, thief, or kidnapper!!  That kind of limits it, doesn't it?




    Wow! That's a mouthful! I agree that facebook is a marketing tool and genius at that! but I don't agree with all the paranoia. Of course if a person puts their personal information, where they live, phone contacts then obviously you are inviting trouble. However, facbook also offers the user the option of hiding certain information, you can choose that only your friends see it or everyone sees it. Believe me, Zukerberg and his staff are no dummies, and they have legal service on staff 24/7. They know what you are talking about and understand your concerns this is why they offer privacy settings.
    I have many friends on FB, I see their children's pictures, i see they are posting from a vacation spot somewhere, its the new way of communication. Social networking is here to stay. As far as letting people know when you are not home, in the past, there was a 'city directory' that anyone could 'purchase' (keyword is purchase). in this city directory, it has your name, every one in your family's name, age at printing, where you work, where your children go to school and last but not least, what your annual salary is. anyone could buy this book. if a person wanted to know if you were home, all they had to do is call your landline, if you don't answer, chances are you are not home. Also, this book has street and home addresses, if you don't know who lives there, you can look it up by address. Or phone number. many cross references.
    So.. there has always been a way-- Social networking is certainly safer than this 'City Directory' I am speaking of. If you don't want people reading your profile, then hide it! if you don't want strangers looking at your posts, then select 'friends only'.. It's pretty safe. advertising?? Well welcome to the world of high tech marketing.. actually, I kind of like the fact that there's ads placed that are of interest to me - I ignore most of them.. But sometimes, something catches my eye! it's all good. You just gotta look for the good in it.
    sorry about your children being kidnapped, that must've been a terrible thing to go through, glad they were found and all is well.. (assuming)

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