    is it legal to turn a person in for using drugs on the job.

    +2  Views: 667 Answers: 5 Posted: 12 years ago

    5 Answers

    YES !

    It is probably illegal if you do not turn someone in if they are using drugs on the job. It certainly should be.

    There is a time and place for every thing, having drugs at work is not one of them, it would be in your best interest to report to your superiors of your concerns , He/She is not only a danger to themselves but also to fellow workers. ---- Yes it is illegal in Australia.

    In the US, it is legal for "turning in a person" using illegal drugs, or drugs that are legal, but for which no prescription has been obtained by the user. That said, given the stupidity of people when it comes to things legal, if you were to report one of these people, he/she might wind up suing you (lol).

    Yes, I think it depends upon the industry.  With some jobs, you are hired as a mandated reporter, meaning you have responsibilities requiring you do report anything that you know is a threat to another persons well being.   As a school teacher, I had this responsibility, and there was once a male instructor who a female student confided in me had sexually harassed her.   I had the girls who were discussing this man, know that I could hear a conversation, and told them that if it continued, that I had this responsibility.  They said, "we knew that we came to the right man, nobody else believed us."  With that, I went to writing, and presented it to the Principal and Guidance Director, the next day.  They brought the man in and he had a hearing, and the process began, in which he was given a written warning.  It was a couple more years before he got himself fired over this stuff.  I know your question was concerning drugs, but it would be the same in this occupation.  If, I had not acted, and somebody knew, that I did not act with such knowledge, then I could be held legally, as if I was part of the problem.   Hence, I could be canned for it. 

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