    should you take vitiams suplements wit food or without

    0  Views: 316 Answers: 1 Posted: 11 years ago

    1 Answer

    Vitamins and minerals are naturally found in foods, so in most cases, it should be fine to take them when you eat, especially if your'e taking supplements to enhance your regular diet. Most vitamins and mineral supplements can be taken with or without foods, but sometimes taking supplements on an empty stomach causes heartburn or can upset your stomach. If that happens, taking the supplements with food may alleviate the discomfort.There are a couple of cases when foods change how you absorb any dietary supplements you take. Calcium carbonate supplements require stomach acid to be absorbed so they're best taken with meals because eating stimulates production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach. The other common form, calcium citrate, doesn't need the extra acid. Vitamin D is important for optimal absorption of calcium, that's why it's usually included with calcium supplements and added to milk.

    Iron supplements can be affected by foods and beverages too. Iron absorption can be increased if the iron is taken along with vitamin C supplements or with foods or beverages that contain large amounts of vitamin C such as orange juice or strawberries. However, drinking milk or tea can interfere with iron absorption. Iron supplements may be used to treat iron-deficiency anemia. In that case you should follow the directions on the supplement package label or speak with your health care provider before changing the dosage or how you take the iron.

    Dietary supplements also include herbs and other natural substances other than vitamins and minerals. Always follow the label instructions when you take those types of supplements.

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