    battery warning light comes on and stays on and cannot jumpstart it

    0  Views: 363 Answers: 1 Posted: 11 years ago

    1 Answer

    You may have a corroded or loose battery cable.

    1. Use a wrench to loosen the bolt on the positive battery cable connector. Remove the connector from the positive battery terminal.

    2. Place a plastic baggie over the positive battery cable connecting clamp and secure it temporarily with a rubber band.

    3. Remove the negative battery cable from the negative battery terminal, just as you did for the positive cable in Step 1.

    • Clean both battery terminals and the connectors on the battery cables using a terminal cleaner"" and a wire brush. Dry them off with a clean rag.

    • Place the negative battery cable connector clamp onto the negative terminal on the battery, and tighten the bolt. Tighten it firmly, but be careful not to strip out the threads.

    • Remove the plastic baggie from the positive connector. Place it onto the positive battery terminal, tighten it with the wrench, and you are finished.



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