    how do i set the time on a Lifemax atomic talking watch after I have changed the battery

    0  Views: 8560 Answers: 1 Posted: 12 years ago

    1 Answer

    Push the top key on the upper left of your talking timepiece. Once you push this key down, the watch resets. Wait for a short beep to sound and notice the time begin to blink. If you do not see this occur, push the same key on your watch one more time.

    Adjust the time on your device. Push the key on the lower left of your watch to make sure it states the correct hour. You may have to push it several times so the time moves forward and you get the hour you want.

    Push down the key on the right hand portion of your wristwatch to adjust the minutes on your timepiece. Continue to hold down this button until you reach the exact minute. When you finish this part of the procedure, check to make sure that the display has stopped flashing.

    Permanently set the new time on your talking watch. After you have set the time and minutes by hand, push down the upper left-hand key two times to make your adjustments permanent. If you have a need to adjust the time at a later date, simply repeat the same procedure again.

    Test your talking device. When you have set your watch with the current time, you need to see if the vocal feature works. Set the alarm for the next minute or two on your watch. After you have the alarm set, wait for it to go off and announce the time vocally.

    Read more: How do I Set the Time on a Talking Watch? |

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