    A report in Munich, Germany, reveals serious deficiencies in hygiene at the city’s largest butchery chain. How is it in your town?

    Green liver, rat droppings under the meat counter. - Food inspectors have discovered at the Munich butchery chain of ************* a considerable lack of hygiene. The allegations were there for some time and the authorities have now released the details. The company had sued unsuccessfully against publication.

     The food inspectors reported amongst other things: 

    "The floor under the Meat Counter was in some places contaminated millimeter high with debris, food waste, cobwebs and rat droppings."

    In addition, the inspectors discovered liver, "which was in places discoloured, greenish, old, rotten and with a distinct rancid smell and foul taste”.

    There are also reports of salami corners for pizza which "were discoloured, in parts yellowish-greyish and with a distinctly rancid and old smell”. 

    About the half kilo cuts of meat, the report states: "The microbiological examination revealed a high grade level of aerobic, mesophilic and acid-loving bacteria and yeasts and moulds."

    Even with diced ham, leg of pork, chicken legs and roasts, the inspectors criticized the suspicious oder or taste.                                     (My translation)

     Do you have regular unannounced food inspections in your neck of the woods? 

    +3  Views: 758 Answers: 2 Posted: 12 years ago

    2 Answers

    Wow, that sounds awful, West-bus.

    Yes we have inspectors here. There

    was a kerfuffle a few weeks ago, where

    they wanted restaurants to quit selling

    some type of marinated, uncooked

    ground beef, I think it was. The places

    said they'd never had anyone get sick

    from eating the stuff (can't remember

    what it's called) and would continue to

    sell. I didn't hear any more on the topic,

    so I don't know how it was resolved.

    Most places around here are fairly clean, with the exception of one chinese restauruant which was temporarily shut because of it.

    If you were to go into any of the supermarkets around here, you'd see them regularly hosing down stainless steel tables, and the floors all have drains to accomodate being steamed and hosed off. I would have to say they are very good about hygiene around here. 

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