    why would people not believe in Jesus Christ

    +2  Views: 1003 Answers: 13 Posted: 12 years ago

    13 Answers

    This is a very cultural orientated question, many cultures are not Christian.  And if you were born in another land, perhaps you would not believe in Jesus Christ. 

    hi. there are millions world wide who do believe in Jesus Christ. Jesus Himself said He was from the Father. We are all free to believe or not.


    YES you do, Jesus also said--"I AND THE FATHER ARE ONE"

    @Zappo...You are about to be suspended for preaching as you were warned earlier by another moderator.

    Everyone has a free will to believe or not believe, not only in Christianity and Jesus Christ, but in whatever religion they choose.  What others believe, is of no consequence to me. 

    I believe he existed. I do not believe he is God. I believe he brought a message of love and mankind messed it up and put their own spin on his message. There is only one Creator and Christ is not it.


    can you explain what in your opinion is HIS love??? YOUR SPIN??

    Zappo, it's people like you who caused the admin to initiate the no preaching rule. I will discuss nothing with a close minded kool aid drinker such as yourself. Find another forum to build your pedestal on.

    I know and love Him as a friend, teacher and as Sovereign of this universe. I trust Him because I also know Him and He knows me. I see that beliefs are about a mystical vision and not like the (fact) real deal.  Many think belief is some sort of spiritual fact. You are welcome to your consideration.


    great answer

    I believe that Jesus Christ existed and his messages were filled with love.  He painted the journey, showing us through his words and actions what it means to be mortal and the importance of our connection to the Universe.  He, however wasn't the only one.

    I imagine 'believe in' is a reference to why are not all people Christians?  It is because we, as human beings, are individuals and as individuals 'faith' has a different definition for us all.


    sounds confusing??? Fishlet

    Sounds correct to me but then my mind is open as are my eyes and ears.

    Zappo; You seem a bit antagonistic. I am not into that.
    Have a glorious and what now appears 'short stay' on akaQA.
    Peace Out.

    I don't believe in the free world its a required belief.  Although i am a conservative, I also believe in diversity where everyone has a right to believe what they want without condemning those that have a difference of opinion.  A compassionate Conservative

    As long as you believe in Jesus that should be good enough for you, but please don't push your views onto others. It makes you seem very petty. There are other views in this world that display wonderful attributes of respect and tolerance. Enjoy your day.

    we in ISLAM believe in him as a prophet but do not believe in him as a son of God because we believe God almighty has no son

    Too often there is so much focus on the 'teacher' that the 'teachings' are lost upon the 'focuser'...

    There is no right or wrong in this.

    It is all a matter of personal choice.

    They love their sin more than God----A believers life is of Repentance from sin, to take up your cross and deny oneself daily and following the Lord Jesus our GOD---Remember so many endings to what God was sharing-----THAT YOU MAY KNOW, "THAT THE LORD IS GOD." Jesus Christ our Savior, our GOD!!!


    How does this answer the question? Apparently you felt the need to preach. Not all will believe in Jesus as god and that is their right to do so. Your preaching helps no one but your own ego.
    By the way, since you're new, I should let you know, preaching is not allowed on akaQA.

    (below reply moved to where it belongs)


    Karma: 45

    Is freedom of speech allowed as our 1st admendment rights??? Satan hates preaching also....

    Why do you sound like an old member under a new name? The owners of this forum exercise their right to decide what gets posted to this forum. Please use the comment this answer link to reply back. I removed your other two posts that were posted out of place.

    By the way, this is a world wide forum. It is not just for people of the United States. It does not have to run by US Constitutional rights or laws. You are free to post here as long as you follow forum rules. No preaching. Whether Satan hates it or not does not matter. Satan is not on this forum. Don't think I missed your jab preacher.

    Why are you so angry? @ Zappo

    He drinks too much kool aid and now believes he battles Satan.

    This is the last time I move one of your posts.


    Karma: 45

    Colleen I am not God, but apparently on this post you act like GOD??? I for some reason do not believe in you and i am not old but a new member!!! If people want to talk about Faith please do not discriminate ...Thank you---I spoke the Truth, whether you like it or not is NOT the POINT!

    I am a moderator enforcing forum rules. It's your choice to stay but you must follow the rules or I help you out the cyber door. You were not speaking about faith, you were preaching. We are tolerant of all religions here until one of the followers starts trying to FORCE the religion on all. Respect that we have members of many different faiths, beliefs, religions and spirituality and they do not need your religion forced on them. You did not answer the question, you preached and threatened damnation on those who did not heed you. By saying you did not want to see anyone go to hell, this is exactly what you meant. You have no right to judge like that. (That was one of the "messages" of yours that I removed.)

    <removed by moderator as it was judgmental and insulting to people everywhere >

    Actually Zappo you are completely wrong.

    Oh so sick of preachers...but far more sick of people sniping at the Mods!...Colleen doesn`t claim to be God!..(Although she has the patience of a Saint!..As do the O Mods)..I class the sniping as a sin..isn`t it bearing false witness against thy neighbour or sommething similar:-?...No please don`t answer...It`s abuse against the Mods anyway!
    doolittle Jim Jones' jungle punch kool-aid???? (I'm sick I know;)

    That's exactly what I mean by the kool-aid.

     1.   b/c they're too inundated with Superman, Spiderman, Batman, etc. And they know that stuff isn't they see the incredible , miraculous stories  of Jesus in the same way.

      2.  b/c their parents never took them to church and gave them a Christian Education, so consequently, they're ignorant about the teachings of Jesus.  That's how my cousin raised her kids......much to the dismay of her mother.


    Not true. I know the difference between Superman and Jesus and I was brought up Catholic and was baptized and had first and second communion. It did not help me to believe that Jesus was anything more than a messenger, just like Gandhi, Buddha, Abraham and others. Some of us just see the light faster than others. That's OK though. Everyone has eternity to find the truth.

    I do not have a relationship with Christ, the only relationship I have with the bible is to research it for those Christians who know nothing about it and come here asking questions about it and where in any of what I said did I claim I was right terryfossil? I do believe when people make comments like that, it is because subconsciously they are worried that I am right and they are on the wrong path following what they have been merely told is a book of light.
    Any book of light would not cause death and the bible has been the cause of millions of deaths.
    My answer made a heck of a lot more sense than mcm's answer does.
    Go to church or something. It's really annoying when people hang around the forum just to argue with others about religion. You Christians are so weird that way.

    Terry, you started this by going after what I said. Apparently what I say does shake you or you would not comment. Be true to yourself and then you can be true in discussions. Have a good day.

    I can't for the life of me figure out why 'beliefs' have to clash. Historically speaking, this practice has only brought great damage to mankind.

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