    what treats a wasp sting

    0  Views: 528 Answers: 2 Posted: 12 years ago

    2 Answers

    aIf the person does not have severe allergy symptoms:

    1. Remove the Stinger

    Scrape the area with a fingernail or use tweezers to remove it.

    Don't pinch the stinger -- that can inject more venom.

    2. Control Swelling

    Ice the area.

    If you were stung on your arm or leg, elevate it.

    Remove any tight-fitting jewelry from the area of the sting. As it swells, rings or bracelets might become hard to get off.

    3. Treat Symptoms

    For pain, take an over-the-counter painkiller like acetaminophen or ibuprofen. Do not give aspirin to anyone under age 18.

    For itchiness, take an antihistamine. You can also apply a mixture of baking soda and water or calamine lotion.

    4. Follow-Up

    It might take 2-5 days for the area to heal. Keep it clean to prevent infection.

    If the person does have severe allergy symptoms (anaphylaxis):

    1. Call 911

    Seek emergency careif the person has these symptoms or a history of severe allergic reactions (anaphylaxis), even if there are no symptoms:

    Difficulty breathing or wheezing

    Tightness in the throat or a feeling that the airways are closing

    Hoarseness or trouble speaking

    Nausea, abdominal pain, or vomiting

    Fast heartbeat or pulse

    Skin that itches, tingles, swells, or turns red

    Anxiety or dizziness

    Loss of consciousness

    2. Inject Epinephrine Immediately

    If the person has an anaphylaxis action plan from a doctor for injecting epinephrine and other emergency measures, follow it. Otherwise, if the person carries an epinephrine shot or one is available:

    Inject epinephrine if the person is unable to.

    If the person has a history of anaphylaxis, don't wait for signs of a severe reaction to inject epinephrine.

    Read and follow patient instructions carefully.

    Inject epinephrine into outer muscle of the thigh. Avoid injecting into a vein or buttock muscles.

    Do not inject medicine into hands or feet, which can cause tissue damage. If this happens, notify emergency room staff.

    The person may need more than one injection if there's no improvement after the first. For an adult, inject again after 10 to 20 minutes. For a child, inject again after 5 to 30 minutes.

    3. Do CPR if the Person Stops Breathing

    For a child, start CPR for children

    For an adult, start adult CPR.

    4. Follow Up

    Make sure that someone stays with the person for 24 hours after anaphylaxis in case of another attack.

    Report the reaction to the person's doctor.

    Watch video here>

    Wow Bumpkin, Great answer!  I was going to say put ammonia on site to help stop the stinging pain, I have done this with good results.  

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