    I had in mind put a cleaner business long time ago. I was buying surpplies, desk, computers and other thing, but I misplace all the receipt. How can I poste all these Items in my accounting and how can I prove to IRS that I bought them? Please if some one can help me, I would appreciate. Thanks

    I bought all these Items long times ago. I have some knowledge in accounting, but I need to know what will be the prices that I suppose posted in my accounting books, and in case that IRS will ask me where these came from? How can I prove them because I lost the receipts, due to that was long time ago?

    0  Views: 1118 Answers: 2 Posted: 12 years ago
    Tags: accounting

    2 Answers

    If you paid by credit card, you might be able to get the statement(s) from the credit card issuer(s). If you paid by check(s), you might be able to get copy/copies.

    Sorry, unless you can go back to the places you purchased these items at and get a duplicate receipt  there's not much you can do. The IRS needs receipts. 

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