4 Answers
Encourage comments from external and internal customers. Post praise.
Remind staff how their work matters to customers and encourage some level of customer interaction for everyone.
Call an employee into your office just to say thank you without discussing any other issue.
Write a thank you card or e-mail.
Send a card to the employee's spouse/family thanking them for their support.
Create an employee newsletter to share updates and recognition.
Post a bulletin board for employees to share news, hobbies, and recognition.
Celebrate birthdays, anniversaries, and special achievements.
Reserve the best parking spot for an employee-of-the-month. Let staff decide how the spot is earned.
Add a note to an employee's paycheck highlighting something great he/she did that week.
Join in and help an employee who is under pressure. Ask what can be done and help complete the task side-by-side.
Create a change of pace by giving employees a chance to work on exciting projects or learn new skills.
Delegate worthy projects, not just menial tasks, to increase feelings of trust and pride.
Create light-hearted awards that recognize something unique about each person like, "Best Screen-Saver," or "Best Joke Teller," and present them at a potluck lunch.
Pass on helpful articles that could benefit employees and attach a note that says, "Saw this and thought of you."
Learn about their hobbies, families, children, pets, etc. showing interest in what matters most to them.
Ask an employee who is proficient in a certain area to train others, or make a presentation at a staff meeting.
Book a community speaker to speak on subjects of interest to employees like personal finance, stress management, or improving relationships.
Help build skills with a training library filled with books, tapes, and other resources that employees can check out.
Allow employees to attend seminars and ask them to make a presentation to others sharing what they learned.
12 years ago. Rating: 4 | |

Some suggestions here....... http://www.biztrain.com/motivation/stories/20ways.htm
And here...... http://humanresources.about.com/od/motivationsucces3/a/motivatestaff.htm
12 years ago. Rating: 3 | |
Ways to motivate employees are detailed at the links listed at
12 years ago. Rating: 1 | |