    Who should get custody of her children?

    Please read the following news article when you have time, about a 23-yr old woman sentenced to 99 year for felony child abuse.  She was a victim of abuse herself, so I gotta wonder if HER mother getting custody of the children is a good idea.  What are your thoughts? 

    +7  Views: 798 Answers: 7 Posted: 12 years ago

    7 Answers

    I am wondering why no one reported the abuse before it got out of hand the way it did? Abused children will most likely become abusers themselves.
    The grandma schould not have custody of these children .


    Abused children don't always become abusers... it's not most likely. :)

    I think in some cases depending on their age  it is up to the children who they rather be with, in this case the Grandmother should not have custody. I read this last thursday in the paper, the mother should never have had chilren with her extreme abusive tendencies, she deserves the sentence she received.


    She has a lot of kids for being only 23, too.

    These kinds of stories literally make me sick to my stomach.

    I agree that the grandmother should not have custody of

    the grandchildren. If the state allows this, then they are 

    only perpetuating the problem in that family. The other 

    children will probably need counselling.


    We are definitely on the same page.

    Grandma shouldn't have custody of the child!  Grandma is an abuser. 

    I don't know. I don't know the facts. The abusive mother could have learned her tricks anywhere. I'd like to meet the grandma and judge for myself. Did she ask for the kids?


    I don't believe so.

    These poor kids!  They need so much love and psychological help... and no- Mommy Dearest's Mom isn't the answer.

    It`s one horrific story!...Here (U.K).. someone who commits murder usually(Not always),might serve  15 years..sometimes less:-/...To me it is incomprehensable that a Mother should cause her child such harm..but IMO...she sounds like she needs a good few years of psychiatric help,,not locked up and having the key thrown away...Here..yep you may well do time..but  she would no doubt get psychiatric help,am sure!..How crazy is it that Grandma gets the kids with her history of abuse..Sickening!

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