    Lord Help Us

    You, who worry about Democrats versus Republicans -- relax, here is our real problem.
    In a Purdue University classroom, they were discussing the qualifications to be President of the United States .. It was pretty simple. The candidate must be a natural born citizen of at least 35 years of age.
    However, one girl in the class immediately started in on how unfair was the requirement to be a natural born citizen. In short, her opinion was that this requirement prevented many capable individuals from becoming president.
    The class was taking it in and letting her rant, and not many jaws hit the floor when she wrapped up her argument by stating, "What makes a natural born citizen any more qualified to lead this country than one born by C-section?" Yes, they walk among us and these 18-year-olds are now voting in our elections!

    +7  Views: 1235 Answers: 5 Posted: 12 years ago

    This is hilarious! Pathetic...but still funny. How the %##!??*& did she get into Perdue???

    5 Answers

    No matter which country you live in, few young people have an interest in politics or government, unless of course, it has something to do with really important issues such as lowering the drinking age.  When I was 18, my concerns centered around my plans for the coming weekend.  I've heard that the brain is not even fully developed until the age of 25, and if that's the case, then 18 year olds should not be voting.  However, some people, even WITH fully developed brains....


    They shouldn't be fighting in wars either.

    Agreed...mere children. :(

    Hey Ducky! What do you consider a fully developed brain? Mind still not there? Hmm????

    Hmmm? :)

    This is something an 8 yr. old would say, but not an 18yr. old or older It is a really funny answer though that shows how  they know nothing about politics- and the scary thing is- they are allowed to vote!
    When students at a University in Colorado were asked the definition of National Dept and the current National debt of our countr - not one person knew what it meant and no one had any idea how much our National debt was. Sad- but true..

    "What makes a natural born citizen any more qualified to lead this country than one born by C-section?"


    We need to get the government out of the school system. They are so good at dumbing down these kids. 


    What about parents actually talking to their children- say at the dinner table? Are the parents on cell phones? Don't families talk any more. I really don't think we can blame the government for everything. Common sense is a thing of the past, I guess!

    Yes we can blame the government for this. They took over public education in the 70's and began dumbing down the kids. This is one of Romney's agendas, to get the government out of the schools. Even he sees how dumb kids are today. Look at the history of education and you will see the pattern and what the government has been up to. They want stupid people. They can fool and lead stupid people easily.

    Hi Colleen, Although I'm not American, in my opinion, any education system more often than not, is the main channel of influence through which junior and senior students are informed and subsequently develop their opinions.  However, I feel parents play a critical roll in their children's education and in how their children perceive what's happening around them and in the World.  Any truly caring parent should be an active member of their children's school's PTA.  I agree with clu, that many families do not talk and have discussions anymore. If school going children remain ignorant of life's important issues, we cannot only blame the education system because informing children, starts with parents and grand parents (where they are still around). Caring parents are interested and aware of what their children are taught at school and as members of the school's PTA, can exercise their complaints/recommendations, where and when they feel this is necessary. Informed parents have informed children, armed and prepared for the future. They make time for and care about their children's development, ensuring they have the necessary life skills to face up to the academic, social and increasingly --the political challenges they undoubtedly will face in the fast changing World of the 21st century. I don't know whether the US education system offers Life Orientation as a subject, but in South Africa it is an intrinsic part of the curriculum from primary through to Grade 12.  Life Orientation offers kids a vast platform requiring they actively have to debate upon.  Parents have to help these budding oracles with their debating subjects, which results in a secondary debate at home and this child-parent interaction, apart from developing closer parent-child relationships, the debate subjects broaden the child's outlook,vision, general knowledge and maturity, while educating and preparing him/her to confidently face life outside the family home.    


    Has Purdue recently lowered the admission requirements? I am aghast.

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