    what is the current economic crisis in Nigerians economic

    what is the current economic crisis in Nigerians economic

    0  Views: 1359 Answers: 1 Posted: 12 years ago
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    1 Answer

    Left alone to imperialist/capitalist analysts, Africa and Nigeria's economy in particular are passing through the best of time. For instance, the Financial Times of London in its November 23, 2011 special edition on Nigeria reports: "African economies have been growing at their fastest pace in generations. For the most part, they resisted the global downturn better than expected. Since 2000, Nigeria's economy, the second largest in sub-Saharan Africa, has quadrupled in size".

    The same tune of "good time for Africa" was equally echoed by the Sunday Times of London in its February 26, 2012 edition: "The scale and extent of Africa's economic boom is unprecedented – albeit from a barrel-scrapingly low base. Over the last decade, six of the world's 10 fastest-growing countries were African. In eight of the last 10 years, Africa's lion states have grown faster than Asia's tigers. The fastest-growing economy in the world last year was Ghana – at a whopping 13% compared with barely 1% in most European countries and just over 1% in America. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) expects Africa to grow by nearly 6% this year, the same as last year, with average income in economic leaders such as Nigeria expected to triple by 2030.

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