    is photography a science or an art?

    0  Views: 656 Answers: 3 Posted: 12 years ago

    3 Answers

    With modern cameras,probably neither. It just gets easier & easier to take good photos.I have a 99 Dollar Canon digital & I have taken some amazing pics with it.I even surprise myself.:)

    I guess you could say  science as time has changed photography technology, creativity due to innovation-- Also agreeing with Tommy, today's digital technology even the person with  no eye for framing a beautiful picture can capture impressive results.

    Disagreeing with Tommy--and agreeing with Colleen,  Photography is definitely an art, only the most talented photographer can sense the moment to capture, using lighting/shadows and color to express.

    "A picture is worth a thousand words'    But it takes a professional to put these picturesque words into photo that speaks emotion...  

    It can be both but it is viewed as an art. 

    major perez

    thanks but y is it an art?

    The most simple answer, it's the photographer's feelings put on photo paper. What they see through a view finder inspires them and they try to bring that inspiration to the rest of the world through a photograph. Not much different that what an oil painting artist tries to do. How many photographs hand on a wall in a grand frame for all to enjoy, just like an oil painting.

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