    How do you change the starter on a 1995 Honda Passport

    0  Views: 1645 Answers: 1 Posted: 12 years ago
    Tags: honda

    1 Answer

    DIY Instructions for Removing/Replacing the Starter on a 1st Gen. Honda Passport / Isuzu Rodeo with a 3.2L SOHC V6 Engine:

    -- Remove and secure the battery's negative terminal.

    -- Loosen the Motor Mount bolts.

    -- Loosen the Transmission Isolator Block bolts (the 2 bolts that secure the Transmission to the Rubber Block that's located just above the Transmission Cross Member).

    -- Disconnect the Front & Rear Drive Shafts (4 bolts each).

    -- Loosen the Lug Nuts on the Front Driver’s Side Tire.

    -- Jack the front of the vehicle off the ground, just high enough to do a tire change – and no more.

    -- Secure the vehicle on Jack Stands.

    -- Remove the Driver's Side Tire.

    -- Remove the bolts that hold the Starter in place.

    -- Jack the Motor and Transmission upwards, together as one unit -- SLOWLY & CAREFULLY -- just high enough to barely sneak the Starter out over the Frame Rail...

    It's a whole lot better to have to fiddle with the Starter quite a bit, moving it in all sorts of positions in order to get it out (or even to disassemble it after it has been unbolted from the Engine, then remove the two halves), than it would be to jack the Engine/Transmission too high!

    *** Warning ***

    This technique works a whole lot better if the Passport/Rodeo in question is already equipped with a 3-inch Body Lift...

    With or without a Body Lift, some clearance issues may arise, such as (but not limited to) over-extending the Radiator Hoses, Brake Fluid Lines (most likely the one located on the bottom of the Brake Fluid Reservoir, which will pop off, spilling Brake Fluid all over the place), Hydraulic Clutch Fluid Lines (if the vehicle is equipped with a Manual Transmission), etc.

    If you work very slowly and carefully, and watch out for the ‘gotchas’, it is *possible* to R&R the Starter on a Passport/Rodeo WITHOUT EVER TOUCHING the exhaust system – where, most likely, the bolts are probably so rusted that they’ll either break or round off, thus making the whole task even more of a PITA than it is already.

    Personally, I think the engineers at Isuzu that came up with the idea of placing the Starter on the Rodeo/Passport where they did should be slapped with a welder’s glove -- but what can ya do?

    Best of luck – Hope this helps.
    Me, myself, and I...
    -- Owner of 3 Isuzu-manufactured vehicles.
    -- Forum Admin ~ Planet Isuzoo.
    -- Owner/Moderator ~ E-ZooZoo.

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