    does anyone know how to get help getting a wheelchair van?

    my nephew david is 18 yrs. old. he has cerebral palsy and now has severe scoliosis and will need to have surgery to put a rod in his back to try and control the turning and twisting of his body.the ony way he can be transported anywhere is by wheelchair van. he has been in a wheelchair most all of his life. i am trying to find help to get a wheelchair van because the family cannot afford to purchase one. the one they had broke down and cannot be repaired and they are stiil trying to make the payment on it. my sister has had a stroke and heart surgery and my brother in law is disabled. i have tried contacting everyone i can think of but it seems like noone can or wants to help. we could really use some helping hands,so please if anyone knows anything please contact me at i would really appreciate it. thanks so much

    +1  Views: 525 Answers: 1 Posted: 12 years ago

    1 Answer

    You don't say where you are, so I will answer this assuming that you are in Australia.

    We never had any luck when we needed to get one for our daughter so we funded it ourselves.

    The van is now over 10 years old & going well because we look after it like it was the Crown Jewels.

    It was mentioned to us that diablities sevices Queensland may be able to finance another one when the time comes.We did'nt pursue that option because,as I said,ours is still going strong.So...try all of the Govt.agencies.Sooner or later you may get lucky. Good luck.


    i am from pennsylvania

    Well,that's a long way from Australia.There must be a govt agency that can assist you over there.Why not start with a local politician to see if they can point you in the right direction.

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