    Pleasr accept my apolgies to all moderators and the girls on this forum, this is sincere Colleen!!! :)

    Look i have always been a stirrer, things get out of hand 'sometimes', if we can't ask about creed, religion, colour or sexual preferences what is left, 'What colour nail polish do you use/'' - that's an exaggeration of course, i just like a little debate, of course this actually a Answer and Question forum. not a chat room. pity, have to go now be back later as i'm setting up a home theater system, again i am sorry for stirring you up, oh Thanks Don for backing me up , you could have been 404, thanks Buddy. P.S. my step son and cousin (Female) and a few friends, do i say it are Gay.

    +6  Views: 731 Answers: 3 Posted: 12 years ago

    Funny how fast the "boys" come running to accept your apology.

    "my step son and cousin (Female) and a few friends, do i say it are Gay."
    Which makes the question you posted a couple of weeks ago even worse than it already was.

    Sorry. I'm not buying your apology. You've done this far too many times. I and many others are tired of the back and forth.

    It's as simple as this, no racist comments, no prejudice towards any minority, no superior white male attitude, no being derogatory towards women. If you can follow those basic rules, you can continue to be part of the community here.

    I have posted a question that Dardaigh mentioned regarding 'girls', i hope that is ok with you.

    No, the question was not OK because most of the women do not know where the question comes from. I think it was dishonest as did the other mods. One of them removed it.

    No bulletman...It is NOT okay. Stop stirring!

    You got to be joking, there was nothing wrong, sexist , racial or religous about the question it was only a survey, when you said Free speech was limited i didn't think it meant censorship. you have gone too far this time, i will contact Admin with what is going on.

    Any comments on this phoney, pot-stirring "apology" are finished. This question is now closed.

    3 Answers

    Bulletman...I'd be more than happy to accept your apology if it is sincere, yet you manage to insult us yet again...

    First of all we are NOT girls...we are grown women. Would you  like to be referred to as a "boy" at your age?

    Second, I find the nail polish comment quite insulting. The WOMEN on this forum discuss any and every topic that comes through the site, the same as the men .

    I find your biggest problem is that you have no idea how to phrase things. If you had initially introduced the topic of gay marriage rights in Australia being defeated with any degree of sensitivity, for a balanced, adult debate, it never would have been deleted. It was your rude, in-your-face, bull-in-a-china shop manner which was so insulting and ignorant.

    I am not picking on you, I am trying to make you realize how you come across on the forum.

    We can discuss creed, religion (though that one has been beaten into the ground ad nauseum), colour and sexual preference (though being gay is NOT a preference, it is how one is born) but with some manners, class and sensitivity. Most people at this forum have no problem in this regard.

    Colleen loves a good debate...there are questions here that go on for paragraph after paragraph on topics being discussed by members. I personally do not like to debate as I feel my views are my own on certain matters and I fully realize I won't be changing any ones mind on the internet.

    No we're not a chat site but we ARE here to answer questions on the Unanswered side of the board, not primarily to get into debates...hmmmm...some people seem to conveniently forget the most important reason the forum is here.

    Just some food for thought...


    Here's some food for thought for you, i was not being derogatory by calling the fairer sex girls, i use this term for all woman, out of all the woman i know a cross section of them, you are the only woman that does not like being called a girl!! As for the colour of nails was only a metaphore, not a put down , how i come across to others is only your opinion, may be that could be a question to ask, as for the question i was censored for is fact not fiction, i come from a state that made homosexuality between consenting adults legal way back in the seventies well before Nth. America, the gay marrige will eventually happen in Australia -- i just thought i would make that statement.---- ps for God's sake i am trying to be sincere

    BM, you did not just make a statement. What you did was slap every homosexual in the face while laughing and virtually spitting at them. Your overly celebratory jubilant party thread to gay marriage being voted down was disgusting to see from a fellow human being. You showed no regard at all towards the feelings of homosexuals, who like you, have feelings. So if your feelings are hurt that your totally discriminatory question got 404, too bad.

    No apologies need here my friend ..besides if you don't stir the pot things get burnt..


    Thanks Daren!

    Or you get burned by filling the pot and stirring too fast. Why are you even responding to this? You're not a mod and the last I knew, you're not a female.

    @daren...what? He insults you too? Please direct me to that link. Thanks.

    I would accept your apologies if I was one of the mod !


    Thanks Log better go to another question Colleen's on the war path.

    You are truly pushing it BM. I suggest you quit the stirring and let all this go. The only ones you will fool with this is your "boy" friends.

    Colleen lighten up a bit, i was trying to say i'm sorry. i'm dammed if i do , dammed if don't , i feel like a 'Catch 22'.

    Please do not use words that are viewed by others to be cuss words. Stop pot stirring. When I am doing my job as requested by the admin, I have no reason to lighten up. Your so called apology is very transparent.

    @LOG IN...You have no idea what you would do in someone else's place. You are not involved in bulletman's insults as far as I can see. He does not like being "moderated". We have had some others here who felt the same way...past tense.

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