    I am going to a new dentist. Age is important to me when it comes to dentist. My question:

    Would it be ok to contact his office and ask what year he graduated from dental school.

    Dental question`````````

    +4  Views: 745 Answers: 6 Posted: 12 years ago

    6 Answers

    HAHA! All jokes aside tho Itsmee,I guess no question is irrellevant when you are dealing with your health and asking something about your health professionals qualifications should not raise any eyebrows.Ring them up & ask.If they are reluctant to answer I see no harm in telling them you will be consulting another dentist.Trust is everything when you are dealing with these people.Good luck!



    Hi Tommy. So good to see you! How are you?
    I feel awkward making the call but he asks MY age. (For medical reason)
    I will ask his age (For medical reasons)

    That's a cunning strategy Itsmee.LOL.
    I'm great,I hope your dental issues aren't giving you too much trouble.

    We have no insurance. Dentist’s usually have patients who do have it. Because of this it is very expensive. Very.

    Tell me about it!!

    Yes. His receptionist or whoever answers the phone could prob give you a pretty good idea of when he grad from dental school. They see his diplomas on the wall all the time. I don't think you're being out of place to ask them.


    Will Do. : )

    Will Do. : )

    but, remember, some people change careers later in life.So, he might have gone to dental school over the age of 30. I did that. When I was 31, I started college.

    Think! The more recent the graduation, the more up to date his education is………..


    I prefer a "younger" dentist as well, along with doctors too. They are more open to "new things" and not so stuck in outdated methods and thinking.

    Have you tried looking up the dentist online? Many dentists have websites. Besides, there are reviews on sites such as Furthermore, there are dentists who are morons, no matter what their ages are:

    I go to dentist who have several people working with them, the office is clean and neat. Children are no where to be seen. The equipment is in excellent shape.  The patrons are neatly dressed, on time and moved from one room to another for cleaning and examination, x-rays and sonograph. The office personal are friendly and responsive appropriately. I only go to dentist who have a solid reputation with years in excellent practice. Dental work can be expensive and the cost of excellent service can be high. I prefer to go to an excellent dentist who is moderately busy & experienced, regardless the cost.    

    As Clonge suggested, check him out on the internet, or even Facebook.

    Let's hope he isn't biased about his patients' ages.  

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