    Until recently, upon receiving an e-mail with an attachment, I clicked on Download, waited for a window saying Open, or Save, etc and the document sent me was available to me. But now, that is gone, it`s a new window from Internet Explorer asking "What do you want: either Open without saving, or Save, or Save As". Pressing "Open" shows that something is "Downloading" but that disappears and nothing else happens; all I have is a blank page or nothing at all. Pressing "Save" and "Save As" result i

    Until recently, upon receiving an e-mail with an attachment, I clicked on Download, waited for a window saying Open, or Save, etc and the document sent me was available to me. But now, that is gone, it's a new window from Internet Explorer asking "What do you want: either Open without saving, or Save, or Save As". Pressing "Open" shows that something is "Downloading" but that disappears and nothing else happens; all I have is a blank page or nothing at all. Pressing "Save" and "Save As" result in another window saying Impossible to download. The only acceptable result is with "View", which shows the document received, but it doesn't let me do anything with it. So I'm in a dilemma. Can you please help.

    0  Views: 413 Answers: 1 Posted: 11 years ago

    1 Answer

    Look in "My Documents" WBMS

    Better to download in "Save AS," then you can save then wherever you choose. IMO



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