3 Answers
What sort of Puppy is it ?
If you are feeding a quality age appropriate dog food, vitamins are not recommended. Unless the dog is diagnosed as missing a specific vitamin, due to illness or hereditary problems, vitamins will only mess up the balance provided by the food and will cause more problems, especially in young, growing puppies.
12 years ago. Rating: 4 | |
Most people waste money on vitamins, both for themselves and their pets. Fact is that a balanced diet, with fruits, vegetables, meats, eggs, and dairy, or representatives of these groups, supply the needed vitamins. Also, some of the vitamins are water soluble, meaning that they are not stored in the body, as are the fat soluble ones. The fat sol. types are A, D, E, and K. The B, and C are water soluble. Bulking up on water soluble ones just enriches your urine, as they are excreted daily. Too many vitamins in your system is hazardous to good health also!
12 years ago. Rating: 0 | |