    what is OOD?and state explain some OOD concepts?

    0  Views: 1751 Answers: 1 Posted: 12 years ago
    Tags: college

    1 Answer

    ??? Autoimmune disease ... ODD ..

    Extreme Fatigue - Or, the kind of fatigue that is not alleviated by rest. This is experienced almost universally by autoimmune disease sufferers.

    Muscle and Joint Pain - Whether it be general pain, burning, aching and soreness in the muscles or joint pain or aches, this symptom can also be found in almost every autoimmune disease.

    Muscle Weakness - Feeling weak, particularly in the muscles, and loss of hand or arm or leg /thigh strength is a common symptom.

    Swollen Glands - These can be all over the body, but especially in the throat area, under the arms, and at the top of the legs in the groin area.

    Inflammation - Inflammation is a part of every autoimmune disorder. The warning sign of pain, especially when chronic, is a sign that something needs immediate attention.

    Susceptibility to Infections - Autoimmune disease symptoms include frequent colds, bladder infections, ear infections, sore throat, sinus problems and yeast infections are common, with a slower recovery time, for people with autoimmunity.

    Sleep Disturbances - Difficulty falling asleep and/or frequent waking is experienced by almost everyone with an autoimmune disorder.

    Weight Loss or Gain - Changes in weight, typically in the 10 to 15 pound range, is often a sign of numerous autoimmune diseases.

    Low Blood Sugar - A sign of adrenal fatigue, common in many autoimmune disorders.

    Blood Pressure Changes - Most people have low blood pressure, though some have high blood pressure. Feelings or dizziness or vertigo, fainting, palpitations and fluctuations in heart rate.

    Candida Yeast Infections - Virtually all autoimmune diseases have this in common. Can manifest as digestive disturbances, sinus infections, vaginal yeast infections or thrush.

    Allergies - Many people with autoimmune disorders have numerous extreme food, chemical and environmental allergies and sensitivities.

    Digestive Problems - Abdominal pain, bloating, tenderness, heartburn, cramps, constipation, diarrhea and excessive gas (looks like you're three months pregnant) reflect a condition known as "leaky gut syndrome", common with many autoimmune diseases.

    Anxiety and Depression - Mood and emotional changes, panic attacks and excessive irritability are common symptoms in most autoimmune conditions.

    Memory Problems - Often known as "brain fog", is a common autoimmune disease symptom that appears in most conditions.

    Thyroid Problems - Many people have hypothyroidism, though some are hyperthyroid. Often this does not show up on a typical thyroid test. Can manifest as low body temperature and excessive hair loss.

    Re-Current Headaches - Can manifest as migraines or severe headaches in some people.

    Low Grade Fevers - This is very common, with some people experiencing this every day.

    Pre-menstrual Syndrome - Autoimmune disease symptoms often increase around the menstrual cycle. Extreme bloating, painful cramps, heavy bleeding and irregular cycle are common.

    Re-Current Miscarriage - This is a very common symptom in many autoimmune diseases.

    As you can see, this is an extensive list of autoimmune disease symptoms and it may be hard to believe that these symptoms are in any way connected. You are probably not experiencing all of these signs or symptoms (at least we hope not), but if you are experiencing many of them, you're not alone.

    We believe that more and more people are realizing that there is a connection between their various symptoms and illnesses, and this is the theory that is followed by most alternative health specialists.

    Unfortunately, many medical professionals still treat the body like it is a conglomeration of separate symptoms, which is not working out too well for many autoimmune disease patients. We are not saying this to criticize the medical community, we are simply stating a fact. We strongly believe that the symptoms of any autoimmune disease affect the whole body, and consequently the body needs to be treated as a whole.
    If you treat only individual autoimmune disease symptoms, you may experience periods of remission for a while, but in our opinion and experience it is extremely difficult to get truly well unless you get to the source of the problem and treat the body as a whole.

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