    how do you open the truck of a 2001 mercedes benz without the remote control?

    0  Views: 1208 Answers: 1 Posted: 12 years ago

    1 Answer

    Did you mean the trunk?

    Accessing and Fixing Trunk Lock Through the Rear Seats

    Remove the rear seats that are blocking the trunk's opening to the vehicle. There is normally a small latch at the back of one headrest or next to the side of the seat that will let you take out the seat.

    Crawl into the trunk and find the locking mechanism that keeps the trunk closed. Use a flashlight to illuminate the trunk so you can see what you are doing.

    Open up the trunk latch by inserting the flat tip of the screwdriver into the opening closest to the lower edge of the mechanism. Jiggle the screwdriver around until it catches on a latch that can be moved to open up the trunk.

    Remove the fasteners from the inside of the trunk-area door by taking out screws while holding it into position. The mechanism will stay connected via the wires of the car, so pull the insert plugs apart to remove them from the automobile.

    Find the edge of the locking mechanism that shines and is not firmly attached. It will be a small bit of plastic that hooks onto the cord so that you can push and tug it when inspecting the lock.

    Join the plastic part securely to the framework of the locking mechanism using superglue. Let the piece dry out until the connection is protected and solid.

    Reconnect the wires and the cord to secure it in the exact same way each one was connected before you took them out. Use the screws to secure the system onto the trunk door.


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