    The words of anonymous poem, "Micky Thumps, published in "Poetry for You"by C. Day. Lewis?

    0  Views: 1610 Answers: 1 Posted: 12 years ago

    1 Answer

    As I wur goin down Threakle Street,
    To gerra pound o' treacle.
    Who does think I met?
    Why, none other than me owd pal Mickey Thump.
    He sed, "Is tha goin' t' wakes t'neet?"
    Well, I thout a bit,
    An' I thout a bit,
    An' I sed, "I d'n' mind."
    So I went.
    Eee, an' it wur a grand wakes,
    It wur a grand wakes!
    Well, six a clock cum,
    And seven a clock cum,
    And eight a clock cum.
    But no Mickey Thump cum.
    So I went whom.
    Well, I'd' n' sooner getten me neet shirt on
    Wen there wur a reet bangin' at frunt dwur
    It wur Mickey's sister, an' she sed
    Mickey wur ill, an' wud I cum t' see im.
    Well, I thout a bit,
    An' I thout a bit,
    An' I sed, "I d'n' mind."
    So I went.
    Eee an' he wur ill,
    Eee he wur reet ill.
    He looked at me an' sed,
    "If I dee, will tha cum t' me funeral?"
    Well, I thout a bit,
    An' I thout a bit,
    An' I sed, "I d'n' mind."
    So I went.
    An' it wur a funeral,
    It wur a grand funeral,
    Thur wur sum what laff'd o'er his grave
    And sum wot danced o'er his grave,
    But I scriked me eyes out o'er grave
    Of me owd pal Mickey Thump.

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