    What makes the people become terrorist?

    1) Is it pleasure in the game?

    2) Is it some grudge?

    3) Is it greed?

    4) Is it hunger for power?

    +1  Views: 1076 Answers: 9 Posted: 12 years ago

    9 Answers

    Ideology is often the cause of non-religious Organizations to achieve specific political aim.
    Religious oriented Terror groups aim at as many casualties as possible, because they believe they reap the benefits of afterlife.

    Well because they are brainwashed into believing whatever the terrorist group stands for . They are fools.

    Religious intolerance,Misguidance by their religious leaders,Promises of great wealth for their families & 72 virgins to attend them when they reach paradise.Tunnel vision.

    I know that many people (usually muslims, and usually arabs) that become terrorists do that because they are promised by the terrorist organization that their families will recieve money, and that they will go to heaven if they die during the attack.


    Suicide bombings used to be a problem in Israel. Saddam Hussein promised the martyrs' families $25,000 for each suicide bomber killed. Guess what? Hussein dies, few, if any more bombings! So much for meeting all of those virgins upon arrival at heaven!

    If we had the answer to that question, we might possibly be able to combat it better. 

    Because they lose at Angry BIrds 

    as I said, any religion :-)


    religious indoctrination. any religion! ;-)


    How many terrorists have come from Buddhism? How many wars have been fought in the name of Buddha? My religion (which shall remain unnamed) has never been involved in any war nor has it produced any terrorists. You can not say, any religion.

    I agree with you colleen. To me it really shows lack of understanding when people say these things. They are taught this also by the unknowing or as said 'Blind lead the blind'.. Where its true, some religions have had a gruesome past, its also true that savages roamed the world over and had no religion, most serial killers are without religion, they too are terrorists. Today we do have terrorists using islam as a front, I don't blame Islam, I blame the people. The zealots, the radicals.

    I think if ever I was tempted to Embrace any religion it would be Buddism.It seems a gentle persuasion.

    3 years down the track i think the better question would be," how do we stop it from getting worse"..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<..

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