    why some girls do not get boy freind

    0  Views: 830 Answers: 8 Posted: 12 years ago

    8 Answers

    There are lots of reason's people are attractive to one another.  Sometimes looks are the key....but regardless of looks having good self confidence, being happy with who you are, and a sense of humor is always attractive.  Actually those 3 things will make your entire life easier.

    Some girls expect the boy to always make the move-- Traditionally this was true, today its different. Many boys don't get new girlfriends because they are shy and won't make that first move in fear of rejection. 

    Without being obnoxious, send a few signals. A casual hello and a smile will work wonders meeting new people.  .  


    good answer, Vin

    I remember several years ago i was talking to a 'drop dead gorgeous' girl, she had a wonderful personality to go with it, she was very humble but I got her to speak up.. She told me that she has a hard time getting a date because the boys are afraid to approach her. I surmise that she was so beautiful that the guys were afraid they would be rejected.

    They do eventually. It takes time sometimes to find the person one is compatible with. Other times, the girl just may want to be alone or does not present herself in a very appealing fashion. Those are just some reasons, there could be others. 

    I'm not hunting...........


    jh, me neither, but I found that when you're not looking, or hunting, that's when that special someone will come into your life.

    Where is he then?

    jh, God is picking him and making a way for you to cross paths with this special someone.

    8 Tips on How to Understand Asexual People

    This may give her some help. (The link above doesn't work properly)

    I just tried it and it seems to work fine. On my computer I have found at times that if I don't hit a link precisely right, I'll have to try it a second time.

    It just opens to their main page on my browser..."How to do anything"...hmmm.
    Sorry to butt

    Have you tried it recently? I fixed it. By the way, did you happen to notice that the site also has an article on "How To Make Yourself Fart?" It is definitely a site for doing everything. LOL!

    Oh,'s working now.
    Ummmm...TMI! lol

    It could be a lack of effort on your part. You can't expect a guy to come to you. If you notice that your not getting asked out, then look at the reasons. Are you outgoing? Do you put yourself out there? Do you make an effort? These are the main questions you have to ask yourself.

     1. because they don't want one

     2. because they don't talk to boys and kind of stay away from them.

     3. because their parents won't let them date till they're 16 or 17.

      4. b/c they are shy

    because sometimes the girls are so gorgous they recon they dont have a chance!

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