    if you stay on a holiday park and you own your own caravan that is in good condition but 30 years old or less . and have always paid site fee's and bills on time . do the park have the right to ask you to up grade your van or they tell you you have got to get off the park

    0  Views: 367 Answers: 3 Posted: 12 years ago
    Tags: caravan park

    3 Answers

    It could be their insurance carrier, or the municipality fire dept. making this requirement.  If that is the case, I doubt that you have a valid argument, and may have to conform with the request.  Are they enforcing this to any other "vintage" units?  My guess is that there may be more information coming into the situation than you have revealed, also...  Although you have paid on time, have you other violations?  Have you made any enemies within the community?  Are their any police reports stemming from this residence, etc.?

    If it is a privately owned park, I suppose they have the right to do that. But, if the caravan is in good shape and not an eyesore, I would say it would be in poor taste for them to suggest such a thing.

    You need to read the terms and conditions of your agreement, especially the small print.

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