    Have you had a flu shot for this coming flu season ?

    Pneumonia and shingles is also available at local wal mart.

    +3  Views: 1164 Answers: 6 Posted: 12 years ago
    Tags: flu flu shots

    Where you been Zorro?

    Taking care of business, and watching the hummingbirds fight over the feeder. Its migration time.

    6 Answers

    Not yet, this week though.

    I have to get a flu shot because of my immune system, like old people I have to line up..

    I always get the flu the next day but I have the jab anyway!!


    Unless you are allergic to eggs you can not get flu the next day. The mist is a live virus and could cause problems.
    Deleted User

    I just get sick full stop.. I am not allowed near people who are sick, this is why I sometimes cant have people visit, there are high risks that something could take hold and either make me worse or kill me.. I have reactions to everything, even my medications :/

    Please be careful, wonderdyke! Take care of yourself!

    No flu shot yet,   But a shingles shot in August.


    Speaking from personal experience, if you've had Chicken Pox and are old enough (ask your M.D.)get the Shingles vaccine. I had the virus settle in my eye, and could have died. I was hospitalized but received medication which cleared it up. I subsequently had to go for laser surgery on my retina, to prevent it from being detached; the doctor said I had an 85% chance of going blind in that eye. I was lucky; I didn't. I heard that shingles can also be very painful.

    Yes this was what I heard also! They say the pain from shingles is hard to control! I'm not seeking pain and had chicken pox as a child so I went for the vaccine. It's a sorry world when the germs get so strong!

    Clonge, my mother got shingles and had to be hospitalized. She also could have died. I couldn't imagined what was causing what looked like blisters forming on her head. My sisters made her go to the hospital where she was diagnosed with shingles. She was given medication and a prescription and sent home. She got worse. My mom looked as though she was beaten with a baseball bat across the head. Her left eye was closed shut and her head swelled so big to she was unrecognizable. My sister took her back to the hospital where she received emergency treatment right away. She was hospitalized for about week. This happen about ten years ago. Can she get shingles again?

    chelleanne: Yes, she can get it again and again. the virus remains in your system. A shot can help prevent a recurrence.

    chelleanne: Yes, she can get it again and again. the virus remains in your system. A shot can help prevent a recurrence.
    No we don't tend to be offered them until early October here and then priority rightly IMO goes to the elderly and anyone with underlying health problems! At the Dr's discretion... Then anyone else who wants it...usually they have to pay a small fee...but I'd say it's worth it IMHO! Influenza can be a killer! Nb some pharmacies now offer the service!!..good point re egg allergy as the vaccine is cultured on eggs so check with ur Gp...if they dont mention it to you first!!!

    Get a vaccine if you can I am old enough to remember Polio and Diptheria Diseases spread without vaccine! Lets all be safe Get the vaccine you need, PLEASE!

    I was feeling fine until I took the flu shot. I was so sick. I never took one again. That was a few years ago. I just stay and keep sick people away from me, which is hard to do. I just take some Father John and Cod Liver Oil and drink plenty of Orange Juice. So far I have had colds, but not the flu. 


    See my answer to wonderdyke. I got the flu once and thought I was dying! So sick my mind was gone! I'll take a shot over that any day!

    The last time I got so sick that I went for emergency treatment, I was past the flu, I had pneumonia. I had to be hospitalized. I was release in about a week. Still feeling sick they said I could go home. So I guess I just had the flu then.



    Your parents have you get the flu shot? Why?

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