    When will I be happy?

    I want to direct my thoughts and actions toward happiness.

    0  Views: 734 Answers: 7 Posted: 12 years ago

    7 Answers

    I spent many years suffering with depression.  One day I woke up and decided that I could no longer hold up the weight of my sadness.  That day was going to be the beginning of my journey to find happiness. 

    I did this:

    Each Monday morning I asked the Universe out loud, "What am I going to learn this week?". And, each day I decided to recognise one beautiful thing. 

    This changed my life.  It was my miracle. 

    I have to be honest with you, I changed a lot of things over a period of three years.

    I hope this helps and best wishes.  Happiness is your right.

    When you like yourself. Then you will be happy. 

    Thoughts and actions ,you say Help people who need your help "Smile more in your case looking at your photo ! Happiness comes within ,by doing good. Try to make others happy by helping them , do volunteer work you will see the people who need someone ,just to talk to them ! taking them out for a walk .It will help "you as well.

    Think positive! Mix with lots of friends ...think of things that will get you out lthe house and try new things/activities that us like to try...if you are clinically depressed then don't hesitate in getting help and talking things through! Don't suffer in silence! Little steps at a time can make big changes!!good luck!x

    I dunno but "I've been cheated..been mistreated..when will I be loved?" (Linda Ronstadt)

    Maybe you are lacking some direction in life?...Work out what you want from life...and plan how to realize your plans!...dowsa`s answer is good...mix with people...volunteer..or do a course or`s too easy in life to drift or get swept along in nothingness....leading to frustration,loneliness and negative feelings!...If you think that you are clinically depressed and can`t find a way by yourself...then PLEASE talk to G.P.....You are so not alone with this problem....PLENTY of help awaiting you!

    Good Luck!x

    You will be happy when you chose to be! find out what is making you unhappy then do something about it, this may mean making little changes or may include something large like moving! Happiness is a state of mind and you control your own mind!!!

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