    how to get rid of fearful nightmare?

    +2  Views: 804 Answers: 6 Posted: 12 years ago

    6 Answers

    Depends on what the dreams may need some therapy, counseling, maybe a glass of wine, warm milk, bath before bedtime.  

    I like to work on a puzzle before turning off the light.  Sometimes I read. A good humorous book wouldn't hurt.  Draw or get a kid's coloring book and color! Write in a journal.  Have a prayer journal or inspirational book you read before bed. 


    Try using positive affirmations, suggestions, and/or prayers as these will help you...also try some camomile tea with honey before bed or some rose-hip tea or warm milk as these will help you to have a deep and restful sleep...just affirm this every night before have a deep and restful sleep! Peace.


    Sounds good

    Mom told me to tell myself to "wake-up" when a dream is frightful. I tried that and it worked great! I woke right up and then I thought "I wonder if I can control my bad dreams rather than just avoid them."  This put an end to bad dreams for me and opened opportunities to sleep and dream so very well as I do to this day. Frightening dreams don't happen any more.


    Last night (5/18/14) I had a dreadful dream and awoke in a bit of a panic. Usually, I am dreamless (as well as clueless), but the past two weeks, I've had more than one unpleasant dream. >>>>>????<<<<<

    The dream ways are pathways in our mind. Everything is there waiting for you to solve all of those mysteries and find solutions to problems. There are those on that path that you can and should work with by taking their advice and leadings. I thought I should write a book about it but understood everyone has a similar path in mystery toward a greater understanding.

    Doesn't hurt to provide guidance!

    what can i do? its a dream neither i can stop it nor i can let it



    tell us what the bad dream is and we may be able to help you forstall it from coming back.

    its been a year i asked this question....after a long gap i opened this site......still today i have that problemm...


    What have you tried doing about it ?

    I don't have as many bad dreams as I use to, but last week, I had an awful one.I dreamt that terrrorists were sitting beside me in my car and in the back seat....And I was driving.they were holding knives on me telling where to drive and what I was gonna do.!!  They even looked like arabic terrorists in my dreams.!!

    Snail, maybe if you tell us what the dream is........we can help you. I've interpreted many a dream for my BFF.


    i usually have a dream of flooded river and i always try to cross it..and i am on other side of river don't know how i got there then i get scared and run and run and i wake up with sweat. i have this kind of dream repeatedly...

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