    47% of Americans are Welfare (State) bums - Mitt Romney

    well, maybe he didn't exactly word it that way, but was that his real message ?

    +4  Views: 1494 Answers: 8 Posted: 12 years ago

    What he actually said.
    "There are 47 percent of the people who will vote for the president no matter what," Romney is heard saying in the video. "All right, there are 47 percent who are with him, who are dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims, who believe the government has a responsibility to care for them, who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you name it. That, that's an entitlement. And the government should give it to them. And they will vote for this president no matter what."

    Yup, I’m in the 47th percentile group and all that is ok by me. If they want to reduce the 47% errs to much less of the total then we should encourage independent living at home to make being at one’s home profitable enough to reduce the need for the give-aways. Home gardens, chickens, profitable hobbies, greenhouse gardening, teaching-coaching on-line, producing your own alcohol, distilled water, sprouts, at home production of fuel and electricity, etc. Working at home is what folk did before mass production jobs came along to bait us all into not having to think or work to earn money that came along regular as clock-works. Turned the whole country into a bunch of paycheck collectors then welfare collectors. I’m going for my home supporting me and its getting easier to do that because I keep working on it.

    Great ideas but people need the property and space to do all that. What about city people? Where would they plant a garden or raise meat to eat?

    18-20 square feet of indoor garden space can produce for five people continually . I read about hydroponic gardening on US nuclear submarines thirty years ago and decided to do it myself. I studied any and every college textbook I could find on the subject. Then went for a formula I found and set up to grow in fertilized water. With some experimentation the resulting food was excellent and the yield continual and excessive to our needs. The process and results are a modern miracle. Most of our lettuce is grown this way today.
    The land man ratios are generally skewed to limit the land/man ratios negatively. Space is not the issue, friends grew tons of pot in mines underground, not one inch of sunny land was used.

    OK, you have salads and getting stoned covered. What about meat, eggs, the city.

    "The Urban Homestead: Your Guide to Self-Sufficient Living in the Heart of the City.”

    I think you’ll find what you’re looking for here. (Above)

    I leave it for those who live in a city. I have enough land but the cost of feeding animals today is too expensive. The price to raise ones own meat is no longer cost effective.

    Colleen, Are you baiting me to carry on along this line? I can, but that gets away from the question pretty far. <3<3<3

    Not baiting you at all. I have family members who are farmers and the cost for feed and upkeep of the animals used for food is killing their ability to have a positive cash flow. They have had to sell of a lot of the animals. The government does not subsidize those who wish to supply their own food or raise and grow food for the food industry. They subsidize them not to grow crops or raise food to support the food industry. This includes dairy farms.

    8 Answers

    I guess I'm a bum now....Still undecided but a republican at heart............


    well jhharian. first glad you're doing good. If you or any family members receive social security, food stamps have kids in public schools, appreciate the good air quality we have, i would recommend president obama. Mitt wants to and has said he is getting rid of all of that. If you are supper rich, then vote for Mitt Romney. Otherwise have some sense and repick the president, who has done more good than most people know about, but i don't have time here to list them all right now. The president is not perfect and i don't like the bombing overseas, but he kept us from going off the financial cliff. Republicans blocked about 386 bills that would have put people back to work building infra structure in this country. I could go on. Obama turned to job lost situation around. Bush was losing 700,000 a month. Big money analyst are saying its going to take a few years for a true turnaround. If Mitt gets in they are all saying, including Bill Clinton, that we will be going back to Bush actions, that caused the financial crisis in the first place. This election is crucial for the everyday American person. Please encourage people to vote for Obama. It's kind of common sense. Get rid of social security and the post office, give me a break, that's romney and paul ryan. i don't think people should wear the sign 'democrat' or 'republican' as a badge of honor. We shoud each try to figure out what each person (candidate) is talking about and their record, which demonstrates what they have done. Also what impact are their suggested actions going to have on the everyday citizens in this country.

    I guess that's 47% that won't be voting Mitt Romney.LOL


    If you're right, that only leaves 3% wiggle-room.

    I'm Waiting to see him "Wiggle" his way out of this one.

    Romney is nutso!!!!  Just makes things up.  Puts his dog ontop of the car for a 12 hr drive into Canada.  Managed to insult just about everyone on his international tour.....OY


    Obama is a shyster. Name one thing he has done to improve America for the population as a whole. That means everybody.

    Never said a word about Obama- ask Colleen! I want a "Do Over" with new candidates!!!

    Could someone please tell me what Romney has done "wrong"?  Are some of you  fearful he will take away the cushions and protections those "in need" are receiving health care, free food, free housing (or seriously reduced costs of the aforementioned).  Assistance programs have been in place since the 1940s. They aren't going anywhere.  My son and his family are receiving help. They are looking forward to the day they support themselves. He's taking classes and applying for jobs all over the place. Let's hope he's not an exception to the rule. Let's hope those who need help are trying to help themselves and not sitting around waiting for the postman to deliver the next welfare check.

    Let's remember the President doesn't get to pass laws all by him/her self; there is a House of Representatives and a Senate elected to do that.  I'd be more concerned about who the Senators and Representatives are....Californians keep sending Boxer and Feinstein to Washington. There's two votes against a Republican right out of the gate.  Nothing drastic is going to change no matter who the president is. We see what Obama has accomplished. Four more years of THAT? 

    Give me a president and Congress that starts by reducing their own salaries and benefits before they scalp those who elected them to be Public Servants.  People being elected have forgotten they are supposed to be serving the public, not being served BY them. Their service should be minimally compensated while they are in office, not for life. 

    Romney gets my vote. 

    I'll vote Barrack Obama over Mitt Rommey and see what happen nothing worst can come out it?


    Foolish. Very foolish. You will give him 4 more years to put his plans into action that he spent his first 4 years setting up. He's done nothing to help the US economy and every thing to keep it down. Our credit rating just got lowered again, did you know that? Why do you think he's done nothing to make things better? Because he was too busy building his schemes to do anything for the people.

    Have you got a better choice? not Rommy! God bless America!

    No, I do not have a better choice. Romney is the only other choice and I will vote for him just to stop Obama and his evil plans. If Romney has any evil plans, then it will take him 4 years to put them together before he can initiate them and by then, I will have the chance to vote him out of office.

    Facebook, I thought you were Canadian.

    Facebook is Canadian. I've pointed it out before but he still wants to believe he's American. I've given up on trying to make the confused un-confused so I just play along.

    I am a Canadian does that mean I can't express myself?

    Well it means you can not say you will vote for Obama. You can not vote for him unless of course you want him to be your Prime Minister. Maybe you should do that. Make him your PM then see what it's like to live 4 years under his dictatorship.

    We have a PM his name Steven Harper, I was only saying if it were my choice which I don't have neither you people, it seem to me like Obama will be in for another term.BTW I think our PM is selling all our Canadian resoure to foreign Countries.So there you have it no better or worse than we are.

    Latest news reports say Obama is now lagging in the polls. Do not believe your media. They are fed by our one sided media. You are actually doing better than the USA economy wise. So things for you ARE better. You can still have Obama if you want him.

    No Tk ! I'll stick to what I have, compare too some Assian Country & Utopia in Africa living in carbage dump and no clean water and sanitation,why are we complaining? In anycase were heading that way it seem, wont be too long well be in a pickle! One more thing too Digger! tabarawete I am a french Canadiane!

    I'd never know it. ;-)

    So, you would vote for Obama for the USA but not for Canada. Do you see why you really shouldn't express yourself when it comes to American politics?

    How else am I going to get edducated in politics, and my though are were not all American here Canadian & US. citizen are we divide by a imaginary boader line? Well you'll need a little patient with me,so Colleen I can prolong the agony, and teach me all you know in politics!

    Yes, we are divided by a line. It's called a boarder. I can't just walk into your country and you can not just walk into mine. We are divided. We also have different governments. If you want to learn US politics, everything you need to know is right there at your finger tips. It's called the world wide web. One thing I would never do is tell you who to vote for as a PM. That's your politics. I do not need to be a part of them.

    You vote for Obama if you feel he has done a good job and made strides to better America AS A WHOLE. Seeing as that hasn't happened, a vote for Obama is a vote for more of the same. Really, facebook? It's all good?

    Well BobPKB! what can I say that will convince you? Obama in my opinion didn't do so bad, surely you can't put all the blame for all the dessaster that has been happening weather wise and the wars that been drainning the US.economy.Anyway I still think no matter who's in charge,thing are just going too get harder as time past by. Just like it is.

    Facebook, how can you even say this without ever having lived under his presidency? Your lifestyle and home and income are not and will never be effected by Obama and his failed policies. Please just stop talking now. You have no clue as to what you are talking about. Obama is bad for the USA and bad for the world. Give him time and he'll reach to try and take over Canada. Maybe that's what you want since you like him so well.

    Colleen! I wasn't talking to you, why are you being snobby? are you trying to hurt my feeling? was only trying to help out, and you never have anything nice to say! Why is that? are you still smoking? I told you that not good for your health! You really got to get a control of yourself! Am I not allow too express my opinion? Beside I was talking to BobPKB. TK.

    I do not care who you were talking to. You posted to a public forum where all are allowed to reply to your comments. I'm not being snobby. You are putting your nose in business that does not concern your life or welfare and making decisions as to what Americans should do concerning their politics and their president. You have decided that Obama is a good president even though you never had lived under his policies. What do you think gives you the right to do this? This is just the same as you trying to force your religious beliefs on others who live outside of your religious beliefs. You need to get a hold of yourself. You are invading spaces you do not belong in, including whether I smoke or not or anything about my health. Being a nosy busy body is not helpful either. I have a lot of nice things to say and I've posted quit a number of nice things to this forum. You need to take a good long look at what you think you can accomplish by telling Americans to vote for a man who is bad for America just because you like what you hear from your uninformed media. Stay out of American politics. You can have an opinion when you are an American citizen living under the rule of such an inept leader as Obama. Go be concerned or involved in your own politics and stop trying to tell Americans what a great president that Obama is. It's bad enough that we have brainless Americans who still cling to the hope that he will honor all those promises he made 4 years ago that he's never kept. I get angry when people from other countries try to act like they know more than we know when they've never lived here or suffered the failures of an inept president.

    Romney is right- even though he should have explained it better.
    The taxpayers have forked over 15 trillion in the name of helping the poor since 1964 and what do we have to show for it? A poverty rate that has barely budged, astronomical bureaucracy and popularity- like that of Greece and Potugal-the Welfare states basket cases- increasingly dependend on government help.. (Obama)  I think Romney can change the course of our history. He has a much better understanding of how business works,than Obama does. Romney has my vote..


    Ihave no idea about figures here in the UK but there was a programme the other night in which they said 47% of Americans do not pay tax??

    People that work, pay government. social security and state taxes. They have to report theire income to the IRS. Many people, according to theire income, get a refund of taxes, except Social security taxes.There are big loopholes for big corporations and they therefore pay a small percent of taxes or no taxes. The 47% schould include many big coorporations also.

    Thaanks Ann for this. I did find it to be astonishing I must say.

    Absolutely and I hope people hear his message.  Otherwise we are going to be in a bunch of trouble.  Everybody is saying it from President Bill Clinton,  Professor Robert Reich at UC Berkeley, economist all over the country.  What the heck is wrong with people's ears.  How many of  folks on the website are receiving Social Security.  They want to cut that too. Get rid of post office and privitize it.  People wake the heck up. That's what the picket is all about in Chicago, wanting to privitize schools.   Economic analysis say if we get Romney we get the very rich and very poor with very little rights for poor and working class.  We see some of it now.  75% of workers in Texax have no health insurance.  God help us.  I hope people get some real facts before they vote.  The are fact checking people on the internet and other places.  This partisan stuff  really needs to end.  I have voted for democrats and republicans.  It should be about what is going to help all people in society.


    "75% of workers in Texax (Texas) have no health insurance"
    They should budget for it and buy it themselves. People over spend in toys and trinkets then cry because they can not but healthcare. If they are truly poor, they are covered because they are poor. The Government does not owe the people health insurance. We do not live under a socialist government even though that's what Obama wants for the USA. I'd really like to know where you are getting your "facts" from that you keep talking about. You tell people to check the facts but all I ever see is your opinions.

    I think he's a bit high on the percentage but in a way, he is correct. Remember the people who voted for Barrack because they believed he would take care of their house mortgages or help them to buy a house? These are the same people still looking for government hand outs, the people who expect the government to provide for them. Barrack told them he would get them the American dream in a sense and they are still waiting for it. Most of his supporters are these people. Still waiting for the dream, the change, the house Obama promised them. Others are the welfare people or the unemployed living on the extended benefits that Obama approved. They worry if Romney gets in, he will shorted the unemployment benefits.  I'm not sticking up for Romney but I believe this is what he meant. I've seen it right along, Obama trying to create a socialist nation and that's why his people flock to them. They're waiting for their hero to take from the rich and give it to the poor.  So they keep themselves poor just waiting for the windfall. 


    If you're referring to the Sub-prime Mortgage Crisis brought on by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, that pre-dated Obama.

    No. Obama had his own ideas for putting people in homes. I don't remember it all exactly, I just know people believed he could help them get a house. We even had a couple people visit akaQA last year looking for Obama to help them with their mortgage.

    Romney is dangerous!

    Obama is dangerous. Take a good look at what he's done. Read the signs and see where he wants to take the USA. I personally do not want to live under a dictator and that's where we are headed if he gets another 4 years.

    We need a Do Over with new candidates!

    I keep hoping.
    Jack Large

    Actually the percentage of Americans who do not have any Income Tax liability, because their AGI is reduced by their authorized exemptions and child credits, is closer to 49%.

    He however, was referring to those in that percentage who do not even have income tax withheld, as those who will vote to keep the free checks coming.

    The House Budget Office is saying the National Debt will rise to 200 Trillion by 2016 if we continue down Obama road.

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