My two little girls are off to Disneyland tomorrow with their parents.Then they will be travelling to las Vegas,Salt lake City,Montreal & stopping off in Honululu on the way home to attend a wedding.I will be here missing them so look after them over there for me.

3 Answers
They ought to skip the preliminaries and head straight for Montreal. If you are able to make contact with them, tell them NOT to leave Montreal before indulging in a genuine " Montreal Smoked Meat Sandwich" at Schwartz's deli.
12 years ago. Rating: 6 | |
What a wonderful trip, with so much variety of destinations. When my folks went to Las Vegas and took my sister and me, there was't much for us to do. NOW there are a lot of great diversions for the youngsters; everyone can have a good time. I wish them a safe and memorable (for all the right reasons) trip. Aloha
12 years ago. Rating: 4 | |
We won't be able to live with this kid when she gets home.LOL.