    Off to Disneyland.

    My two little girls are off to Disneyland tomorrow with their parents.Then they will be travelling to las Vegas,Salt lake City,Montreal & stopping off in Honululu on the way home to attend a wedding.I will be here missing them so look after them over there for me.

    +4  Views: 834 Answers: 3 Posted: 12 years ago
    country bumpkin

    I know they will have a stupendous time here in the USA, Tommyh. I'm so glad they're here.

    I know they will CB.I hope they run into some nice folks like you over there.
    country bumpkin


    3 Answers

    They ought to skip the preliminaries and head straight for Montreal. If you are able to make contact with them, tell them  NOT to  leave Montreal before indulging in a genuine " Montreal Smoked Meat Sandwich" at Schwartz's deli.


    I will definitely pass that on Dig.

    It's great tasting AND cheap. Perfect family fare.

    That is quite the itinerary, Tom.

    They will have a fabulous time, no doubt.

    The parents are going to be exhausted.


    You can say that again Dar.They will be gone for more than a month.

    What a wonderful trip, with so much variety of destinations.  When my folks went to Las Vegas and took my sister and me, there was't much for us to do.  NOW there are a lot of great diversions for the youngsters; everyone can have a good time.  I wish them a safe and memorable (for all the right reasons) trip.  Aloha


    Aloha Bob.(LOL).We've had a phone call already.The first dancing gig is today.All very excited.

    Dancers!!! They are on a dance trip? My friend danced for many years. She performed in China when she was 12. At 26, that is still the trip of her life (and her mom had a good time, too):D

    Yep.They are both dancers at the Danzart studio her in Briz.They love it & it's good for them.It's very rewarding to see a 3 year old going thru the routine.Funny & loveable.The 9 year old is a veteran.She's been dancing since she was 3.The 9 year old danced at the Hollywood Boulevarde today.Very sucessfully we are told.

    How fun, Tommyh! My youngest took a gymnastics dance class one year and he was actually one of the hits of the recital. I love watching kids perform in dance, gymnastics, other sports, music, etc. Good for the girls! GO!GO! DANCERS!

    She dances at Universal studios tomorrow.
    We won't be able to live with this kid when she gets home.LOL.

    What a fabulous experience! Any American child would be thrilled! Your baby is coming from the other side of the world. I sure hope you'll get a video of the performance. Absolutely fantastic! OBVIOUSLY we are dealing with talent. Just keep her away from the "Dance Moms" show. :D

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