    This is true......


    +3  Views: 1134 Answers: 7 Posted: 12 years ago
    Headless Man

    Comments welcome.....

    7 Answers

    It's a popular picture on Facebook. I see it all down the wall as everyone clicks the share button. It's true however. Would he continue to blame Bush or will he accept the last 4 years as his own mess?


    Well, I think he inherited a mess, but you have to assume responsibility at some point during your term. You can't use that excuse forever.

    Of course he will still blame Bush. With his policies, he will destroy our country from within. I hope he  does not win this Election.


    blame bush keep obama

    Obama will blame anyone but himself for anything at all.............



    I think the democrats should let Bush go and begin seeing present and future, you can't blame everything on Bush, that's really getting old!  If I hear one more democrat say.. "previous administration' or 'Under the Bush administration..."  It's really time the democrats quit complaining about GWB and begin looking at their own errors.  and there are a bunch of them. How many times must you be punched in the face before you punch back-- Republicans are sick and tired of being punched in the face and hopefully will punch back in this election, however, living in blueland USA i don't see it happening.

    The task of going from imagination to reality is a daunting task for everyone of us. Few are aware of the complexities and hidden carnage left by one’s  former rival among the traps and land mines in the path to accomplishing the tasks before us with any measure of success. Gradually we clean the joint up and with any measure of intelligence begin the task of routine administration. Opponents always offer the quick and reasonable solution to daunting problems that seem so blissfully inviting that you may think you would be a fool not to advance their seemingly sound advice. But if you do that, there is hell to pay, just around the corner as the path is mined and you are attacked in ambush for being naive and accepting. Then you are squeezed between a rock and a hard place to accomplish the impossible, that no one in history has willingly done and survived without bruises. You think the job should be easier and you are right to think that, but there are far more thorns than roses in the rose garden. See this as a life lesson that is so often repeated that I could be writing about raising children, starting a business, breaking into Hollywood, running a church or being a president of the United States.      


    Well according to this, all campaigners should have one promise, "With mop in hand I will do my best to clean up the previous administrations mess." It should not be followed with, "If the task is too great then I will just sit on my back side and watch basketball in between taking vacations and blame everything on the previous administration."

    It's clear to see that Obama was NOT the man for this job. He should not even be running again. He is STILL not the man for the job. He now has Bush's mess and his own to try and clean up. Is there a basketball game on.................?

    OBAMA SHOULD STAY look he walk into this mess because of bush and the republican will say not to every good thing he says.


    Obama accepted the mess when he ran for president. Stop treating him like a goofy kid that didn't know any better. Whatever mess he walked into, he himself made a bigger one. He needs to man up and step down. The job is just too hard for him.

    Quite debateable the republicans say no to every 'good' thing. Obama has increded our debt by 5 trillion dollars, that's more than all the presidents before him, Our economy is wore now than even after the 9/11 attacks and jobless rate in my state alone is over 10% it was 4.5 % during GWB last year. Obama has spent billions of taxpayers dollers on failed stimulas, one I go by every day, Soylandra-- We gave 535 million dollars to that alternative energy company, they are now shut down, their CO's took the money, they thought they earned it because they contributed soo much to the Obama campaign. Our schools are worse now than ever before, our enemies laugh at us as Obama keeps apologizing for saving their butts, he has won an election on twisted spins that attract the helpless and hopeless, This guy must go! As michells said-- 'For once, I am proud of our country'.. This means that for over 230 years, we did it wrong, yet we have over 300 million people living here that they and their ancestors came here for the american dream and most made it through hard work and perseverance. They didn't have special interest groups, they didn't have health care, they didn't have anything given to them and yet, they made it! This is the america I want back. Not the America Obama wants. Listen to the people that understand what is going on in this world, its too bad that so many people vote for Obama because its the trendy thing to do.. very sad. I talk to some of these liberals here and they have no clue beyond what Rachel Maddow tells them-- It cool to vote Obama. I wish that we could have a short exam about current events, just 10 questions, if you can't pass this simple test, you don't vote. But Oh my.. That would be sooo unamerican to not allow lamebrains a chance to hire someone that affects MY life.. Oh well, we are headed for hell if anyone knows where that is, we'll be there in a few short years if these liberals continue to run things.

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