    how many animals including birds are allowed in apartment buildings in welland

    0  Views: 873 Answers: 1 Posted: 12 years ago

    1 Answer

    There are health laws which oversee the public health concern within city limits.  These are in place for the good of all, not the collector who wants to have a farm within an apartment.  How would you like it if the person down the hall had a zoo of animals and your peace and standard of living was effected?  And from an animal health standpoint, the animals are usually better suited living in areas other than a crowded apartment.  If you are thinking of the animals welfare, you will not go beyond what is permitted.  This is specific to states and cities, so if I tell you that our city allows one animal in an apartment, dog or cat, it may be different where you live.  Also, you must have a lease, this is a legal document which you signed upon renting, it may stipulate the pets, if any allowed.  This over-rides the the city regulations, as the owners have the right to prevent or limit pets in THEIR dwelling facility.  I am a landlord, and I do not allow any pets, if you violate that, you can be put out!  You have no legal recourse, as you signed an agreement, called the lease, which I repeat, is a legal document. 

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